According to Acts 1:15-26, Matthias was chosen to replace Judas in the aftermath of his betrayal and death. It is intriguing to note how Peter takes the leadership in the process. Emerging as the first Christian speaker in the narrative of Acts, Peter...
According to Acts 1:15-26, Matthias was chosen to replace Judas in the aftermath of his betrayal and death. It is intriguing to note how Peter takes the leadership in the process. Emerging as the first Christian speaker in the narrative of Acts, Peter gives significant details about Judas’ death and raises the issue of filling his vacancy.
This article aims to examine the historicity related to Judas and discuss the cause of Judas’ death, ‘the Field of Blood,’ as well as his ‘existence’ as recorded in Ac 1:15-19. We also examine the various elements of Peter’s address, such as the quotation of Ps 69:25, 109:8, the function of ‘dei,’ and the meaning of ‘the position’(episkop?). While we do not have enough evidence to confirm with certainty the veracity of lukan historical details of Judas’ death, we suggest that the information provided by Acts should be treated seriously in its core.