The best education one can obtain is the education experience gives. In passing through life, learn everything you can. It will all come in play Don't be frightened away from any pursuit because you have only a little time to devote to it. If you...에서 pinyin(병음)방식으로 중국어를 변환할 수 있습니다.
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PHP / Historical Periodicals / Feature
100-100 [※수록면이 p5 이하이면, Review, Columns, Editor's Note, Abstract 등일 경우가 있습니다.]
다운로드다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)
The best education one can obtain is the education experience gives. In passing through life, learn everything you can. It will all come in play Don't be frightened away from any pursuit because you have only a little time to devote to it. If you...
The best education one can obtain is the education experience gives. In passing through life, learn everything you can. It will all come in play Don't be frightened away from any pursuit because you have only a little time to devote to it. If you can't have anything more, a smattering is infinitely better than nothing. Even a slight knowledge of the art sciences, languages, opens up a whole world of thought.