The a rticle is a study in the developmental processes of the Korean immigrants in Manchuria from the middle of the nineteenth century to the eve of the Second World War. The history of the growth of Korean immigrants in Manchuria is an involved one, ...
The a rticle is a study in the developmental processes of the Korean immigrants in Manchuria from the middle of the nineteenth century to the eve of the Second World War. The history of the growth of Korean immigrants in Manchuria is an involved one, being complicated by the political and economic rivalries of three major nations-China, Korea and Japan. A huge field lies here for investigation of the economic, social and political situations that had been a spur to the emigration of peasant farmers from Korea to Manchuria. Strikingly enough, rice agriculture in Manchuria had been introduced and encouraged by the Korean immigrants who cleared the virgin soils abandoned by Chinese settlers and, were subject to discriminatory land laws. By the beginning of the present century the pattern of rice economy was well established and dur ing the 1920’s, it had spread in various parts of Manchuria. The second part of the article is concerned naturally with the factors that are relevant to the nature of development of Manchurian rice economy which provides extended illustration of many of the characteristics of Japanese colonialism.