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    RISS 인기검색어

      Vernacular literary theory from the French of Medieval England : texts and translations, c.1120-c.1450



      • 저자
      • 발행사항

        Cambridge, [United Kingdom] : D.S. Brewer, 2016

      • 발행연도


      • 작성언어


      • 주제어
      • DDC

        840.8001 판사항(23)

      • ISBN


      • 자료형태


      • 발행국(도시)


      • 서명/저자사항

        Vernacular literary theory from the French of Medieval England : texts and translations, c.1120-c.1450 / edited and translated by Jocelyn Wogan-Browne, Thelma Fenster and Delbert W. Russell

      • 형태사항

        xix, 590 pages : illustrations, maps ; 26 cm

      • 일반주기명

        Includes bibliographical references (pages 517-569) and indexes

      • 소장기관
        • 국립중앙도서관 국립중앙도서관 우편복사 서비스
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      목차 (Table of Contents)

      • CONTENTS
      • List of Maps and Illustrations = xi
      • Preface = xiii
      • Abbreviations = xvii
      • General Introduction = 1
      • CONTENTS
      • List of Maps and Illustrations = xi
      • Preface = xiii
      • Abbreviations = xvii
      • General Introduction = 1
      • French in and out of England = 1
      • The `situatedness' of the vernacular text and the divisions of this volume = 3
      • Establishment of Texts and Translations and Conventions Used = 7
      • Part Ⅰ Faus franceis and dreit engleis : On Language = 9
      • 1 De Bretaine ki ore est apele Engletere/About Britain which is now called England, late 12th century = 15
      • 2 A Nun of Barking Abbey, Le Romanz de saint Edward, rei et confessur/The Vernacular Life of St Edward, King and Confessor, 1163-70, and its prose remaniement, late 13th/early 14th century = 19
      • 3 Wace, Le Roman de Rou/The Romance of Rollo and the Dukes of Normandy, 1160-74 = 26
      • 4 Hue de Rotelande, Ipomedon/The Romance of Ipomadon, c. 1180 = 36
      • 5 Robert Grosseteste, Le Chasteau d'amour/The Castle of Love, 1230-53 = 40
      • 6 Waldef/The Romance of Waldef, c. 1190-c. 1210 = 45
      • 7 Manuals for Conversation and Composition = 52
      • 7a Walter of Bibbesworth, Tretiz de langage/How to Speak French, 1240-50 = 52
      • 7b Manieres de langage : Spoken French for Business, 1396 and c. 1415 = 57
      • 7c Quant vous frez as seignours : Dictaminal Training attributed to Thomas Sampson, later 14th century = 62
      • 7d Pur ceo que j'estoie requis : Treatise on Conveyancing, late 14th century = 69
      • 7e John Barton, Donait francois/The French Donatus, c. 1400 = 73
      • 8 London Frenches = 75
      • 8a Andrew Horn, Qui veut bone electioun faire and La Feste royale du Pui, from Liber custumarum/The Book of the Customs of London, 1324 to early 15th century = 75
      • 8b John Gower, Mirour de l'omme/The Mirror of Humanity, 1360s?-1379 = 82
      • Part Ⅱ Si sa dame ne li aidast : Authorship and the Patron = 89
      • 9 Benedeit, Le Voyage de saint Brendan/The Voyage of St Brendan, c. 1121 = 95
      • 10 Gaimar, L'Estoire des Engleis/The History of the English, 1136-7 or 1141-50 = 99
      • 11a Adgar / 4William, Le Gracial/The Book of Grace, 1165-80 = 103
      • 11b Guernes de Pont-Ste-Maxence, La Vie de saint Thomas Becket/The Life of St Thomas Becket, 1171-4 = 108
      • 12 Simon of Walsingham, La Vie de sainte Fey, virgine et martire/The Life of St Faith, virgin and martyr, early 13th century = 113
      • 13 Matthew Paris, La Vie de saint Edmund, arcevesque de Canterbire/The Life of St Edmund, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1250s = 120
      • 14 Robert of Greatham, Miroir ou Evangiles des domnees/Mirror or The Sunday Gospels, mid-13th century = 1274
      • 15 Herman de Valenciennes, Li Romanz de Dieu et de sa mere/The Romance of God and his Mother, after 1189-95 = 135
      • 16 Sir Thomas Gray of Heaton, Scalacronica/The Ladder Chronicle, 1355-64 = 140
      • Part Ⅲ Primes dirrum la dreyte fei : The Conduct of Reading, Hearing and Seeing = 151
      • 17 Guillaume le Clerc de Normandie, Le Bestiaire divin/The Holy Bestiary, 1210-11 = 156
      • 18 La Destructioun de Rome/The Destruction of Rome, mid-13th century = 160
      • 19 Pierre d'Abernon de Fetcham, Lumere as lais/Light for Laypeople, 1267 = 165
      • 20 `A dire devant la crucifix del muster u sur crucifix peint en livre': Visual Literacies = 173
      • 20a Apocalypse du manuscrit Lambeth : La Penitente illustree/The Lambeth Apocalypse : Penitence Diagram 1265-81 = 173
      • 20b Les Enfaunces de Jesu Crist/The Childhood of Jesus Christ, end 13th century 178
      • 20c-d `Par ceste figure l'en poet savoer'/`Using this diagram, one can find out' : Two Genealogical Roll Chronicles, c. 1310 and c. 1443 = 184
      • 21 John of Howden, Rossignos/The Nightingale, 1273-82 = 204
      • 22 St Edmund of Abingdon [ascribed], Mirour de seinte eglyse/Mirror of Holy Church, mid-13th century = 212
      • 23 Sermons on Joshua, first half of 13th century = 222
      • 24 Textual ordering and manuscript layout = 232
      • 24a Angier of St Frideswide, Dialogues de saint Gregoire/Dialogues of St Gregory the Great, 1208-13 = 232
      • 24b William Waddington [ascribed], Le Manuel des pechiez/The Manual of Sins, c. 1260 = 242
      • Part Ⅳ Ki veult oir : Forming Audiences and Creating Textual Communities = 249
      • 25a Wace, La Vie de saint Nicolas/The Life of St Nicholas, c. 1150 = 252
      • 25b La Vie de seint Clement/The Life of St Clement the Pope, before mid-13th century = 255
      • 26 Commentary on the Chant des Chanz/Commentary on the Song of Songs, early 13th century = 261
      • 27 Denis Piramus, La Vie seint Edmund le rei/The Life of St Edmund the King, 1190-3 = 270
      • 28 Thomas of Kent, Le Roman de toute chevalerie/Romance of the Best Chivalry (Alexander the Great), late 12th/early 13th century = 277
      • 29 La Seinte Resurreccion/The Holy Resurrection, c. 1200 = 281
      • 30 Chardri, La Vie de seint Josaphaz/The Life of St Josaphat, late 12th/early 13th century = 287
      • 31 Fouke le Fitz Waryn/The Romance of Fouke le Fitz Waryn, 1320-40 = 293
      • 32a Sicom Aristotele nous dit/Treatise on Menstruation, before mid-14th century = 303
      • 32b Quant Deus out la femme fete/Ornatus mulierum, 13th century = 309
      • 33 Jofroi de Waterford and Servais Copale, Secre de secrez/The Secret of Secrets, 1266-1300 = 314
      • 34 Le Miracle de Sardenai/The Miracle at Saiadnaya, early 13th century = 319
      • 35 Jean de Mandeville [?], Le Livre des merveilles du monde/The Book of the Wonders of the World, 1356-7 = 328
      • 36 Coment la Mesun de Crabhus comencerunt/How they founded the nunnery of Crabhouse, 13th-15th century = 332
      • Part Ⅴ Si come en latyn trovay escrit : The Lineage of the Text = 341
      • 37 Everart, Distichs of Cato, late 12th/early 13th century = 346
      • 38 Simund de Freine, Roman de philosophie/The Romance of Philosophy, late 12th century = 352
      • 39 Sanson de Nantuil, Les Proverbes de Salemon/Commentary on Solomon's Proverbs, 1135-65 = 355
      • 40 Rauf de Linham, Kalender / Calendar, 1256 = 363
      • 41 [Robert de Boron, Walter Map, ascribed], L'Estoire del saint Graal/The History of the Holy Grail, 1220-30 = 367
      • 42 Walter de la Hove [?], The Mohun Chronicle, before 1350? = 378
      • 43 Poeme sur l'Ancien Testament/Poem on the Old Testament, end 12th/early 13th century = 383
      • Postlude. Honneurs publiees. en divers royaumes = 388
      • 44 Le Debat des herauts d'armes de France et d'Angleterre/The Debate between the Heralds of France and England, 1453-61 = 389
      • Part Ⅵ Essays and Resources = 401
      • Part Ⅵ
      • 1. Two Essays = 401
      • 1 England and French = 401
      • 2 Poetry and Prose in the French of England = 414
      • Part Ⅵ
      • 2. Middle English Versions of French Entries = 431
      • 1 Ipomadon : Hue de Rotelande, Ipomedon (4) = 431
      • 2 The Castle of Love : Grosseteste, Chasteau d'amour (5) = 432
      • 3 Middle English Mirror : Robert of Greatham, Miroir ou Evangiles des domnees (14) = 434
      • 4 The Sowdane of Babylone and of Ferumbras his Sone who Conquerede Rome : Destructioun de Rome (18) = 437
      • 5 St Edmund's Mirror : Mirour de seinte eglyse (22) = 438
      • 6 Robert Manning, Handlyng Synne : The Manuel of Zynnes : Manuel des pechiez (24b) = 442
      • 7 Kyng Alisaunder : Roman de toute chevalerie (28) = 447
      • 8 James Yonge's The Governaunce of Princes or Pryvete of Pryveteis : Secre de secrez (33) = 448
      • 9 The Book of Sir John Mandeville : Livre des merveilles du monde (35) = 450
      • 10 The Debate betwene the Heraldes of Englande and Fraunce, compiled by Johnn Coke. vulgerly called clarke of the statutes of the Staple of Westmynster/Debat des herauts d'armes de France et d'Angleterre (44) = 451
      • Part Ⅵ
      • 3. Lists of Alternative Arrangements of the Entries = 457
      • 1 By Date of Text = 457
      • 2 By Text's Patron, commanditaire, destinataire, etc. = 458
      • 3 By Authors, Compilers, Translators, etc. = 459
      • 4 By Place, Provenance /Region = 460
      • 5 By Genre = 461
      • 6 By Form (Metrical /Prose /Pictorial) = 463
      • 7 By Manuscript = 465
      • Timeline = 467
      • Glossary = 477
      • Introduction = 477
      • Glossary of French Literary Terms = 483
      • Glossary of Latin Literary Terms = 515
      • Bibliography = 517
      • Primary Sources = 517
      • Secondary Sources = 529
      • Useful Websites = 569
      • General Index = 571
      • Index = 589














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