1 정정호, "탈근대 인식론과 생태학적 상상력" 서울 한신문화사 1997
2 톰, 르네, "카타스트로피의 과학과 철학" 서울: 솔 1995
3 김경순, "워즈워스의 시에 대한 생태학적 접근" 29 (29): 2003
4 매즐리시, 브루스, "네 번째 불연속" 서울: 사이언스북스 2001
5 Carlyle, "Signs of the Times The Collected Works of Thomas Carlyle" Chapman and Hall 3 : 1858
6 Deleuze, Gilles, "Pure Immanance:Essays on a Life" New Yorks: Zone Books 2001
7 Cassidy, "Materialism and Method in Pynchon and Deleuze" 107-28, 1994
8 Rosi, "Gilles Deleuze and the of Philosophy" 1994
9 Goodchild, Philip, "Deleuze and Guattari: An Introduction to the Politics of Desire" London: SAGE Publications 1996
10 Morus, Iwan Rhys, "A Grand and Universal Panacea: Death, Resurrection and the Electric Chair. Bodies/Machines" Oxford: Berg 2002
1 정정호, "탈근대 인식론과 생태학적 상상력" 서울 한신문화사 1997
2 톰, 르네, "카타스트로피의 과학과 철학" 서울: 솔 1995
3 김경순, "워즈워스의 시에 대한 생태학적 접근" 29 (29): 2003
4 매즐리시, 브루스, "네 번째 불연속" 서울: 사이언스북스 2001
5 Carlyle, "Signs of the Times The Collected Works of Thomas Carlyle" Chapman and Hall 3 : 1858
6 Deleuze, Gilles, "Pure Immanance:Essays on a Life" New Yorks: Zone Books 2001
7 Cassidy, "Materialism and Method in Pynchon and Deleuze" 107-28, 1994
8 Rosi, "Gilles Deleuze and the of Philosophy" 1994
9 Goodchild, Philip, "Deleuze and Guattari: An Introduction to the Politics of Desire" London: SAGE Publications 1996
10 Morus, Iwan Rhys, "A Grand and Universal Panacea: Death, Resurrection and the Electric Chair. Bodies/Machines" Oxford: Berg 2002