The March 1<sup>st</sup> Movement is the most important starting point in the history of the Korea’s Independence Movement. After the March 1<sup>st</sup> Movement in 1919, domestic and international movements succeeded its s...에서 pinyin(병음)방식으로 중국어를 변환할 수 있습니다.
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다운로드다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)
The March 1<sup>st</sup> Movement is the most important starting point in the history of the Korea’s Independence Movement. After the March 1<sup>st</sup> Movement in 1919, domestic and international movements succeeded its s...
The March 1<sup>st</sup> Movement is the most important starting point in the history of the Korea’s Independence Movement. After the March 1<sup>st</sup> Movement in 1919, domestic and international movements succeeded its spirit, which led to the establishment of the provisional government in Shanghai. The provisional government of the Republic of Korea in Shanghai took the March 1<sup>st</sup> Movement as the ground for the Independence. This has continued till the present.
The March 1<sup>st</sup> Movement took place nationwide, and in April 1919, Manse (Cheers) Demonstration occurred in Hwaseong. The Japanese Empire dispatched its Police and Military to suppress this. The Japanese Police and Military arrested participants in the Manse Demonstration and in the meantime, committed a massacre in the Jeam-ri area. The main axis was the Japanese Army, which would achieve its military purposes in Korea beyond the suppression of the Demonstration.
The Japanese Empire’s suppression of the March 1<sup>st</sup> Movement was passed on overseas in various forms. Of them, foreign missionaries played an important role. They argued that the Japanese Empire suppressed the Church and Christians and made an active effort to understand the actual state. As a result, they visited the areas where the Japanese Empire’s suppression was committed, and in the process, the incident of Jeam-ri Massacre was revealed.
Meanwhile, foreign missionaries actively made use of religious situations to announce situations in Korea at the time, more actively. This was reflected in the process in which the foreign missionaries recorded the situations of the Japanese Empire’s suppression, like that in Jeam-ri, etc.
참고문헌 (Reference)
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