1. As above there is direct economical adventages, woods can be harvested about 40,000㎥ annually and this can be a beg portion of wood supply in this country, There also is indivect adventages that wood processing factories which will hire many work...
1. As above there is direct economical adventages, woods can be harvested about 40,000㎥ annually and this can be a beg portion of wood supply in this country, There also is indivect adventages that wood processing factories which will hire many workers would be established These factories will supply wool material otherwise imported from foreign countries, Thus Mt, chiri is worthful to be a center of wood industy in KoRea.
2. This mountain includes forest area of 177273 chung bo which is approximately 2.6% of Total forest area The area will be increased To 1,181,563㎡ which is 3.3% of Total area The amount of wood cutting is 407,000㎥ that is approximately 4% of total Mount(10,000,000㎥).
3. Importance of this area as forest resources would have to be reconsidered, The seven year economy plan of ministry of Agriculture and forestry would underestimated The siguificauce of this area.
4. Since wood has been cut without plan there are no trees in 280㎢ of area out of 1770㎢ At present estimated wood amount is 1,886,196㎥ This will be increased to enough construction and pulp matertal within 40 years if long ferm forest management plan will be established.