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      한중일 인문 전통의 활용과 전망 - 21세기 실학의 모색 - = A Prospect for Rediscovering and Emploing a Humanistic Tradition in Korea, China and Japan - Prospect and Search in Studying the Practical Learning in the 21st Century -



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      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      The Practical Learning (sirhak) school of the East Asia three countries is characterized by richness in understanding human beings. The proposals by the sirhak scholars in the fields of norms and institutions, reforms in livelihood matters and legal s...

      The Practical Learning (sirhak) school of the East Asia three countries is characterized by richness in understanding human beings. The proposals by the sirhak scholars in the fields of norms and institutions, reforms in livelihood matters and legal system, and moral maturity reflect the changes in relations between social members and subjective individuals. Their social reform proposals represent the intellectual growth of subjective individuals living through the Chosŏn dynasty. The sirhak scholars, while humanizing human beings as subjective actors, continued to seek for the answers to what constitutes human beings. Moreover, they tried to observe and define humans in light of their mutual relations rather than as self-entity.
      The sirhak scholars were toward constructing subjective view of human beings based on the self-awareness to foster spirits of humanism. They illustrated human beings devoted ethical behaviors and social harmony, and had a belief in sociability and reciprocity in human existence. Therefore, their first task was to transform themselves before advancing to bring any innovation to the society and culture of their age.
      Traditional humanities in the 21 century may look for ways how to achieve harmonious co-existence between human and natural worlds, and how to gain ideologies and ethics needed to preserve human subjectivity. To get inspirations for conducting these tasks, we may turn to the revival and reinterpretation of the humanistic tradition of Korea, China and Japan based on the Practical Learning.
      Newly oriented tendency of the Practical Learning of Korea aims at seeking ways how to realize fully human dignities and values as well as how to live an aesthetics life. In such study, it may be hoped that a new paradigm of ‘life-centered humanities’ can be created to reconstruct new relations not only among human beings but also between human and nature. The rediscovery of the Practical Learning of these three East Asian countries will prove to be useful in producing new perspectives to understand the humanistic tradition of Korea, and also in creating a practical philosophy required by the future.


      참고문헌 (Reference)

      1 전통과 현대사, (가을) : 2000

      2 "聯合早報"

      3 김문용, "홍대용의 실학과 18세기 북학사상" 예문서원 2005

      4 한국학술협의회, "지식의 지평 2·3" 아카넷 2007

      5 許琳, "중앙선데이 220호"

      6 송재준, "주요 선진국의 인문학 연구지원사업에 관한 조사 연구" 한국학술진흥재단 2007

      7 실시학사, "조선 후기 실학사의 재조명" 2012

      8 최종덕, "인문학 어떻게 공부할 것인가" 휴머니스트 2003

      9 潘大尹, "월남의 유학: 18세기 후반-19세기 전반기 월남 유학의 특징 및 ‘실학’의 취향에 대한 고찰" 한국실학연구회 1996

      10 김경미, "역사인물탐구: 새 시대의 패러다임을 제시한 용감한 비주류" 중앙일보사 1998

      1 전통과 현대사, (가을) : 2000

      2 "聯合早報"

      3 김문용, "홍대용의 실학과 18세기 북학사상" 예문서원 2005

      4 한국학술협의회, "지식의 지평 2·3" 아카넷 2007

      5 許琳, "중앙선데이 220호"

      6 송재준, "주요 선진국의 인문학 연구지원사업에 관한 조사 연구" 한국학술진흥재단 2007

      7 실시학사, "조선 후기 실학사의 재조명" 2012

      8 최종덕, "인문학 어떻게 공부할 것인가" 휴머니스트 2003

      9 潘大尹, "월남의 유학: 18세기 후반-19세기 전반기 월남 유학의 특징 및 ‘실학’의 취향에 대한 고찰" 한국실학연구회 1996

      10 김경미, "역사인물탐구: 새 시대의 패러다임을 제시한 용감한 비주류" 중앙일보사 1998

      11 오가와 하루히사, "에도시대의 실학과 문화" 경기문화재단 2005

      12 한국실학연구회, "실학은 인간의 삶에 어떻게 다가갔는가?" 경기문화재단 2006

      13 조성을, "실학연구 논저목록 (상·하)" 경기문화재단 2005

      14 이동환, "실학시대의 사상과 문학" 지식산업사 2006

      15 葛榮晉, "실학사상과 근대성" 예문서원 1998

      16 홍원식, "실학사상과 근대성" 예문서원 1998

      17 장회익, "삶, 반성, 인문학" 태학사 2003

      18 김경미, "박제가 시의 연구" 태학사 2007

      19 송재소, "동아시아 실학연구가 가야할 길-韓國의 實學硏究와 관련하여-" 한국실학학회 (12) : 7-21, 2006

      20 주성일, "공자학원을 통한 중국의 소프트파워 증진정책 연구" 경제인문사회연구회 2010

      21 孔子學院, "關於2010年孔子學院總部工作計劃的滙報"

      22 麻生利勝, "東アジアにおけゐ‘個’の問題" 성균관대학교 유교문화연구소 8 : 2009

      23 "日本 文部科学省 硏究振興局 振興企画課"

      24 丁冠之, "儒學(實學) ‘趨時變通’, ‘和諧包容’의 思想과 尙德精神" 한국실학연구회 2002

      25 張學智, "中國实学的义涵及其现代意义" 경기문화재단 2003

      26 임형택, "21세기에 다시 읽는 실학" 대동문화연구원 42 : 1-21, 2003

      27 심경호, "18세기 후반, 19세기 전반의 한국한문학에 나타난 실학적 특성에 관한 일고찰" 5 : 2003















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