This paper aims to investigate the diachronic language relationships between russian and bulgarian languages. For this purpose the author classified three diachronic level as follows.
(1) language influence from old bulgarian to old russian(the first...
This paper aims to investigate the diachronic language relationships between russian and bulgarian languages. For this purpose the author classified three diachronic level as follows.
(1) language influence from old bulgarian to old russian(the first south slavic influence to russian)
(2) language influence from medieval bulgarian to old russian(the second south slavic influence to russian)
(3) language influence from russian to bulgarian after independent of bulgarian nation
The author stipulates (1) as the time to transfer Cyllio-Methodian OCS language to russia. The (2) is the conservative language movements to purify the old russian of that time by the help of OCS language models.
On the contrary to (1) and (2), the (3) is the laguage influence from russian to bulgarian after the end of 19th century. During this time we can find many language changes in bulgarian as follows.
(1) many words of russian origin to bulgarian
наблюдавам, старая се, разписка, дописка, усърден, сложен, непременно, даже etc
(2) word derivation as same as russian derivation models
-ние : съставление, ослабление, украшение, провъзглашение
-ие : известие, отличие
-ство, -ствие : равенство, количество, приветствие, отсъствие
-тел : учител, спасител, създател
-ник : монтажник, ремонтник, такелажник
-чик : азотчик, апаратчик, браковчик
(3) new formation of many socio-cultural terminology
конституция, революция, конференция, цивилизация, прокламация, култура, температура, структура, фигура, цензура, варваризъм, ревизор, режисьор, министър, автор etc
(4) many uses of verbatim
Many language exchanges and influences between russian and bulgarian ca be explained by language similarity and also same mentality(slavic).