This is a study on the evaluation of emotional reception in teaching literature in middle and high school. The contents of it is summarized as follows. 1. To evaluate the emotional receptions of students, we must to considerate the linguistic element...
This is a study on the evaluation of emotional reception in teaching literature in middle and high school. The contents of it is summarized as follows. 1. To evaluate the emotional receptions of students, we must to considerate the linguistic elements of the literary text which is given as a object of teaching. Through those linguistic elements, students receive cognitively the literary text given as a object of learning. 2. However, the linguistic elements of the literary text are not fixed. This is the main base on which we can evaluate emotional reception of students in teaching literature. 3. However, we must not value all responses to the literary text of students. We must only lead students to make emotional response to the literary text. At this time, we should make the linguistic elements of the literary text or the context in which the literary text is placed a precondition. 4. Therefore, the important thing is the abilities of students to explain conditions, the linguistic elements of a literary text or context in which a literary text is placed, to lead them to make emotional response to the literary text. It is the object of evaluation.