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      금융회사 민원서비스의 금융규제적 의미

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      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      In recent days, financial complaints soar at financial firms. Financial consumer is becoming more aware of their rights and have voice with unfair and poor customer service. In considering this trend, Korean Financial Supervisory Service(FSS) urged fi...

      In recent days, financial complaints soar at financial firms. Financial consumer is becoming more aware of their rights and have voice with unfair and poor customer service. In considering this trend, Korean Financial Supervisory Service(FSS) urged financial companies to take measures to reduce the number of complaints filed by financial consumers against their companies.
      Financial firm"s complaints handling policy and procedure is very important on the business management. In addition, information about how firms handle complaints - including the number received, the main products and services covered and how quickly they are resolved is also critical for financial consumers to choose their transaction party, financial companies. Although Financial Complaints Handling Guideline published by FSS recommends the financial firms publish their own complaints data and the FSS evaluates results of financial complaints handling for the whole financial sector twice a year, these measures do not give powerful effect on the choice of financial consumers.
      In considering these problems, Part II. discusses briefly the importance and implication of financial complaints from the regulatory perspective. Part III presents the legal basises of the financial complaints management by financial companies. In addition, Part IV covers the current problems of the complaints handling process and management from the regulatory objectives. This section provides also the regulatory improvement needed to help the financial consumers make good purchasing decisions and make meaningful comparisons. FSS should use its existing powers, including not only thematic reviews and enforcement processes but also transparency as a tool to improve the quality of complaints handling. Financial Firm should publish their own complaints data on their web and report to FSS. They have primary responsibility for presenting their own data. FSS should publish comparative figures in tables on its web pages.


      목차 (Table of Contents)

      • 【초록】
      • Ⅰ. 서론
      • Ⅱ. 금융회사의 민원서비스의 의의 및 개선 필요성
      • Ⅲ. 현행 금융회사의 금융소비자 민원업무 근거법령과 감독 현황
      • Ⅳ. 현행 민원업무 관리ㆍ감독의 문제점과 개선사항
      • 【초록】
      • Ⅰ. 서론
      • Ⅱ. 금융회사의 민원서비스의 의의 및 개선 필요성
      • Ⅲ. 현행 금융회사의 금융소비자 민원업무 근거법령과 감독 현황
      • Ⅳ. 현행 민원업무 관리ㆍ감독의 문제점과 개선사항
      • Ⅴ. 결론
      • 참고문헌
      • ABSTRACT

      참고문헌 (Reference)

      1 김용우, "은행⋅신용카드 업계의 민원발생원인 분석 및 개선방안" 2013

      2 박호용, "생명보험 민원발생지수 왜곡 감소 방안" 한국소비자원 (43) : 31-48, 2012

      3 금융감독원(금융소비자보호처), "금융회사 민원평가기준 보완 및 신용카드회사에 대한 민원평가기준 마련"

      4 금융감독원(금융소비자보호처), "금융회사 민원감축을 위한 상시적 밀착관리체계(CRM)도입[민원발생평가 하위등급회사 대상]"

      5 김용덕, "금융소비자보호관점에서의 금융업권별 경영 및 금융서비스품질 평가지표 개발" 금융소비자학회 1 (1): 2011

      6 최원, "금융상담 및 민원동향 발표"

      7 은행연합회, "금융감독원의 민원평가등급제도에 대한 은행업계의 의견 참조(2013. 3. 은행연합회, 소비자보호관련 은행권 건의사항)"

      8 FSA, "Transparency as a Regulatory Tool and Publication of Complaints Data"

      9 William O Bearden, "The Role of Public and Private Complaining in Satisfaction with Problem Resolution" 19 : 222-, 1985

      10 Halstead D., "The Effects of Satisfaction and Complaining Behavior on Consumer Repurchase Intentions" 5 : 1992

      1 김용우, "은행⋅신용카드 업계의 민원발생원인 분석 및 개선방안" 2013

      2 박호용, "생명보험 민원발생지수 왜곡 감소 방안" 한국소비자원 (43) : 31-48, 2012

      3 금융감독원(금융소비자보호처), "금융회사 민원평가기준 보완 및 신용카드회사에 대한 민원평가기준 마련"

      4 금융감독원(금융소비자보호처), "금융회사 민원감축을 위한 상시적 밀착관리체계(CRM)도입[민원발생평가 하위등급회사 대상]"

      5 김용덕, "금융소비자보호관점에서의 금융업권별 경영 및 금융서비스품질 평가지표 개발" 금융소비자학회 1 (1): 2011

      6 최원, "금융상담 및 민원동향 발표"

      7 은행연합회, "금융감독원의 민원평가등급제도에 대한 은행업계의 의견 참조(2013. 3. 은행연합회, 소비자보호관련 은행권 건의사항)"

      8 FSA, "Transparency as a Regulatory Tool and Publication of Complaints Data"

      9 William O Bearden, "The Role of Public and Private Complaining in Satisfaction with Problem Resolution" 19 : 222-, 1985

      10 Halstead D., "The Effects of Satisfaction and Complaining Behavior on Consumer Repurchase Intentions" 5 : 1992

      11 Katherine Porter, "The Complaint Conundrum: Thoughts on the CFPB's Complaint Mechanism" 7 : 57-,

      12 Ian Ayres, "Skeletons in the Database: An Early Analysis of the CFPB’s Consumer Complaints" Yale 2013

      13 HM Treasury, "Reforming financial markets" 2010

      14 BSI, "Quality Management-Customer Satisfaction-Guidelines for Complaints Handling in Organizations BS ISO 20002"

      15 Financial Ombudsman Service, "Ombudsman News Issue 57-Wider-Implications Process"

      16 U. S. Gov't Accountability Office, "OCC Consumer Assistance: Process Similar to That of Other Regulators but Could be Improved by Enhanced Outreach 2006" 2006

      17 Sharon Gilad, "Firms’ Cooperation with Third-Party Complaint Handling: The Case of the UK Financial Ombudsman Service"

      18 Laura Nader, "Disputing Without the Force of Law" 88 : 998-, 1979

      19 CFPB, "Consumer Response Annual Report" 2012

      20 Financial Ombudsman Service, "Consumer Complaints: The Ombudsman Award Limit and Changes to Complaints-Handling Rules" 2010

      21 Jeanne M. Hogarth, "Consumer Complaints and Redress: An Important Mechanism for Protecting and Empowering Consumers" 26 : 217-220, 2002

      22 FSA, "Consumer Complaints" 2010

      23 금융감독원(금융소비자보호처), "2012년도 금융회사 민원발생평가 결과"

      24 금융감독원(금융소비자보호처), "2011년도 금융회사 민원발생평가 결과"

      25 금융감독원(금융소비자보호처), "2010년도 금융회사 민원발생평가 결과"

      26 금융감독원(금융소비자보호처), "2010년 상반기중 금융상담 및 민원동향"

      27 금융감독원(금융소비자보호처), "2009년 금융회사 민원발생평가 결과"

      28 금융감독원(금융소비자보호처), "2009년 금융상담 및 민원동향"

      29 금융감독원(금융소비자보호처), "2008년 금융회사 민원발생평가 결과"


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