In recent years, we have witnessed a growing popularity of virtual reality (VR) technology. Understanding the factors that contribute to a comfortable VR viewing experience is crucial for its successful implementation. This study specifically explored...
In recent years, we have witnessed a growing popularity of virtual reality (VR) technology. Understanding the factors that contribute to a comfortable VR viewing experience is crucial for its successful implementation. This study specifically explored the role of gender in determining the ideal viewing distance for VR animation. To do so, we enlisted 100 participants, comprising 41 males and 59 females, and had them engage in a VR animation viewing task, during which we recorded their preferred viewing distances. Our findings revealed that there was no significant distinction between males and females regarding their favored VR animation viewing distances. These results suggest that when creating VR content, gender may not be a noteworthy factor to take into account when determining the optimal viewing distances for a comfortable experience.