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      중일 인민연대와 탈/냉전 문화이동 -― 望鄕 과 追捕 의 중국 수용과정을 중심으로 = The Solidarity of Chinese and Japanese People and Post/Cold War Cultural Mobility - Focusing on the Chinese Reception of Sandakan No.8 and Arrest



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      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      By focusing on the Chinese reception of the two Japanese films,Sandakan No.8(望郷, サンダカン八番娼館) and Arrest(追捕, 君よ愤怒の河を渉れ), this article examines the historical contexts and ramifications of this cultural transfe...

      By focusing on the Chinese reception of the two Japanese films,Sandakan No.8(望郷, サンダカン八番娼館) and Arrest(追捕, 君よ愤怒の河を渉れ), this article examines the historical contexts and ramifications of this cultural transfer as a meaningful sign of the start of the post-Cold War in the Asian region. China used to promote the exchange of Chinese and Japanese people even during the Cold War era by carrying out the policy of the people diplomacy that emphasized separation of Japanese people from the Japanese government. The Japanese Film Week in China in 1978,held to celebrate the effectuation of the Sino-Japanese Treaty of Peace and Friendship, was one significant result of this exchange.
      Thanks to the people diplomacy, the Japanese films screened during the Japanese Film Week were received positively by Chinese audiences, despite China’s anti-Japanese sentiments resulting from its experience of Japanese imperialism and the Cold War. Among the Japanese films screened, Sandakan No.8 and Arrest were enthusiastically consumed by the Chinese and became cultural icons afterward that reflected Chinese society of the 1980s.
      Various happenings and intellectual debates on the rather revealing sexual scenes of Sandakan No.8 to provocatively claim individual autonomy towards sexuality bring the effect of confrontation against the state. Similarly the identification with the protagonist of Arrest by Chinese audience resulted in subversion of existing socialist gender norms and subsequently the creation of new femininity and masculinity constructs the antagonism towards the state. The confrontation against the state, expressed indirectly through sexuality and gender, was developed into the criticism of socialism and, accordingly, formed renewed Cold War thoughts and was combined with strong nationalism that raised the issue of Japan’s accountability for its imperialist past. This is a paradox because the success of the solidarity of Chinese and Japanese people brought about negating the grounds of this solidarity. As such, the Chinese reception of Sandakan No.8 and Arrest discloses the issue of non/representativeness of the relationship between the state and the people and the existence of discrepancy in the logics of the Cold War and nation-state. In this sense, the reception processes of the two films trigger to consider the complicated formation of the post/Cold War brought about by the intertwine of the logics of the Cold War and nation-state.


      참고문헌 (Reference)

      1 孙渝烽, "「译制导演是干什么的」, 东方早报"

      2 "「在回顾1980年前后优秀国产片大量涌现时, 不可忘记1978年引进的三部进口片」"

      3 童 立, "「南京人排队看望乡」扬子晚报网"

      4 祁 迪, "「1983年: 电影市场进入巅峰时代」, 德州新闻网"

      5 钱晓虎, "「1978, 中国迎}来春天!」, 中国军网"

      6 모리카즈코, "중일관계: 전후에서신시대로" 리북 2006

      7 임우경, "중국의 반전통주의 민족서사와 젠더" 연세대학교 대학원 2004

      8 이와부치고이치, "아시아를잇는대중문화" 또하나의문화 2004

      9 권혁태, "선린학생회관과 중일관계 ― 국민국가의 논리와 진영의 논리" 한국중국현대문학학회 (60) : 191-218, 2012

      10 임우경, "비판적 지역주의로서 한국 동아시아론의 전개" 한국중국현대문학학회 (40) : 1-51, 2007

      1 孙渝烽, "「译制导演是干什么的」, 东方早报"

      2 "「在回顾1980年前后优秀国产片大量涌现时, 不可忘记1978年引进的三部进口片」"

      3 童 立, "「南京人排队看望乡」扬子晚报网"

      4 祁 迪, "「1983年: 电影市场进入巅峰时代」, 德州新闻网"

      5 钱晓虎, "「1978, 中国迎}来春天!」, 中国军网"

      6 모리카즈코, "중일관계: 전후에서신시대로" 리북 2006

      7 임우경, "중국의 반전통주의 민족서사와 젠더" 연세대학교 대학원 2004

      8 이와부치고이치, "아시아를잇는대중문화" 또하나의문화 2004

      9 권혁태, "선린학생회관과 중일관계 ― 국민국가의 논리와 진영의 논리" 한국중국현대문학학회 (60) : 191-218, 2012

      10 임우경, "비판적 지역주의로서 한국 동아시아론의 전개" 한국중국현대문학학회 (40) : 1-51, 2007

      11 林大仲, "黄色, 色情, 爱情" (8) : 1978

      12 巴金, "隨想錄" 三聯書店 1987

      13 史 乘, "谈谈文艺作品中的色情描写" (8) : 1978

      14 赵文英, "谈日本{影片望乡"

      15 原由美子, "相手國イメジとメデイア: 日本⋅韓國⋅中國世論調査から" 2000

      16 王仲全, "當代中日民間友好交流" 世界知識出版社 2008

      17 黃大慧, "日友好交流三十年(1978~2008): 文化敎育與民間交流卷" 社會科學文獻出版社 2008

      18 劉建平, "戰後中日關係: ‘不正常’歷史的過程與結構" 社會科學文獻出版社 2010

      19 曠晨, "我們的1980年代" 中國友誼出版公司 2006

      20 曠晨, "我們的1970年代" 中國友誼出版公司 2006

      21 曹 禺, "大胆地睁开眼睛——谈望乡" (1) : 1979

      22 窦海军, "再看望乡, 中國撮影在線"

      23 長井 曉, "中國人の對日イメージの原點を探る: 中國記錄映畵(1949~72年)が傳えた日本" 2007

      24 林 濤, "『追捕』與70年代末中國的接受視역" (3) : 2010

      25 玉腰辰巳, "『追捕』制片人德間康快的中國觀" 中日兩國的相互認識’ 2002

      26 赵乃增, "“色情的升华”与爱情的“牧歌”与林大中同志商讨" (8) : 1978

      27 勇 赴, "“『望乡』熱”透視, 中日電影關係史札記之一" (2) : 1997

      28 김진환, "‘경제밖에모르는하등동물’ 일본‘닉슨쇼크’로외교에눈뜨다" 2010

      29 임우경, "2005년중국의반일시위를보는몇가지방법" 2005

      30 郭根群, "1978年邓小平访问日本{后掀起“日本{电影热”"


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