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      『芥子園畵傳』 3집과 조선 후기 화조화

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      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      This paper analyzes the purpose of publication and contents of the third volume of Jie zi yuan hua zhuan (The Mustard Seed Garden Manual of Painting) 芥子園畵傳 as well as the stylistic characteristics of the copied paintings inserted in this man...

      This paper analyzes the purpose of publication and contents of the third volume of Jie zi yuan hua zhuan (The Mustard Seed Garden Manual of Painting) 芥子園畵傳 as well as the stylistic characteristics of the copied paintings inserted in this manual of painting. It aims to investigate the changes in bird-and-flower paintings of the late Joseon Dynasty, which were brought from China by the introduction of Jie zi yuan hua zhuan.
      The third volume of Jie zi yuan hua zhuan, the most representative painting manual of the Qing Dynasty, was an expensive multi-colored print which was published in Jieziyuan 芥子園, Jinling 金陵 in 1701, in response to the requests of potential users. This volume was financed by Shen Xin-you 沈心友, son-in-law of Li Yu 李漁, and was edited by Wang Gai 王槪, Wang Shi 王蓍, and Wang Lie 王?, painters of the Nanjing 南京 art circle. With detailed presentation of techniques of bird-and-flower paintings, examples by great masters, and instructions on the use of paints, this painting manual served as the best introduction for the learners of bird-and-flower paintings. The eighty copies of the paintings by great masters of all time, which were included in the second book entitled Gu jin zhu ming ren tu hua 古今諸名人圖畵, reflected the Ming-Qing style of bird-and-flower paintings, and some of the copies were related with Shih zhu zhai shu hua pu 十竹齋書畵譜 (1627 or 1633) as well as the painting style of Qing painter Yun Shou-ping ?壽平 (1633~1690).
      The introduction of Jie zi yuan hua zhuan to Joseon in the 18th century brought considerable changes to bird-and-flower paintings of the time. Painters of birdand-flower paintings, including scholar-painter Gang Se-hwang 姜世晃 (1712~1791) and Sim Sa-jeong 沈師正 (1707~1769) who led the new trend of bird-and-flower paintings in the late Joseon Dynasty and Sin Myeong-yeon 申命衍 (1809~1886) who was the master of this genre in the final days of the Joseon Dynasty, applied the lessons from this manual in their paintings. Sim Sa-jeong and Gang Se-hwang, two of the first users of the manual, saw the first edition in 1701. Among painters of the late Joseon Dynasty, Sim Sa-jeong tried the hardest to imitate paintings in this manual. It is likely that these scholar-painters were active in the imitation of paintings in Jie zi yuan hua zhuan as they thought that these paintings reflected the latest trend of Chinese bird-and-flower paintings. It is significant that these painters not only imitated the painting manual but also developed their own style from it.
      In the case of royal court painters, the imitation of Jie zi yuan hua zhuan was tried by only a few painters including Kim Hui-gyeom 金喜謙 (the 1706’s~1763’s) and his son Kim Hu-sin 金厚臣 (1735~?), Kim Deuk-sin 金得臣 (1754~1822), Jang Seungeop 張承業 (1843~1897). Maybe it is because the first edition of this manual was not distributed widely enough to reach painters of the royal court in general.
      This manual of painting made a valuable contribution to the establishment of a new trend of bird-and-flower paintings in the late Joseon Dynasty, which saw the diversification of painting motifs, the transition from ink painting to light-colored painting, and the emergence of boneless bird-and-flower paintings as well as paintings of grotesque rocks, flowers, grass and insects.


      목차 (Table of Contents)

      • Ⅰ. 머리말
      • Ⅱ.『개자원화전』 3집의 내용과 畵稿 분석
      • Ⅲ. 조선 후기 화조화와 『개자원화전』 3집과의 관계
      • Ⅳ. 맺음말
      • 참고문헌
      • Ⅰ. 머리말
      • Ⅱ.『개자원화전』 3집의 내용과 畵稿 분석
      • Ⅲ. 조선 후기 화조화와 『개자원화전』 3집과의 관계
      • Ⅳ. 맺음말
      • 참고문헌
      • 〈Abstract〉

      참고문헌 (Reference)

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      2 이지윤, "한국 노안도 연구" 이화여자대학교 대학원 2003

      3 고바야시 히로미쓰, "중국의 전통판화" 시공사 2002

      4 崔耕苑, "조선후기 대청 회화교류와 청회화양식의 수용" 弘益大學校 大學院 1996

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      7 차미애, "십죽재서화보와 조선 후기 회화 문화의 변화" 199-248, 2011

      8 홍선표, "상업출판 문화와 『개자원화전』초집의 편찬내용" 한국문화연구원 12 : 41-63, 2007

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      1 이예성, "현재 심사정 연구" 일지사 2000

      2 이지윤, "한국 노안도 연구" 이화여자대학교 대학원 2003

      3 고바야시 히로미쓰, "중국의 전통판화" 시공사 2002

      4 崔耕苑, "조선후기 대청 회화교류와 청회화양식의 수용" 弘益大學校 大學院 1996

      5 고연희, "연암 일파(燕巖一派)의 회화론 화조화를 중심으로" 미술사학연구회 (17) : 185-212, 2002

      6 신성란, "애춘 신명연(1809-1886)의 회화 연구" 홍익대학교 대학원 2003

      7 차미애, "십죽재서화보와 조선 후기 회화 문화의 변화" 199-248, 2011

      8 홍선표, "상업출판 문화와 『개자원화전』초집의 편찬내용" 한국문화연구원 12 : 41-63, 2007

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      10 이동주, "韓國繪畵史論" 열화당 1987

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      16 金進洙, "蓮坡詩鈔"

      17 도다 데이스케, "花鳥畵における江南的なも, In 中國の花鳥畵と日本, In 花鳥畵の 世界 10" 學習硏究社 118-121, 1983

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      24 袁宏道, "甁史"

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      30 謝國楨, "明末淸初的學風" 上海書店出版社 2004

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      32 차미애, "恭齋 尹斗緖의 중국출판물의 수용" 한국미술사학회 264 (264): 95-126, 2009

      33 카시우기 마리, "康煕五彩の花鳥·山水意匠と餖板套印畵譜–その造形と享受の特質につ いて" 國華社 109 : 3-22, 2004

      34 翎毛花卉譜, "大東急記念文庫蔵 『芥子園画伝』の複製" 勉誠出版 2009

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      37 大東急記念文庫, "初集 山水樹石譜(1679), 2집 蘭竹梅菊譜(1701), 3집 草虫花卉譜, 翎毛花卉譜(1701): 大東急記念文庫蔵 『芥子園画伝』の複製" 勉誠出版 2009

      38 呂曉, "再論王槪與《芥子園畵傳初集》" 故宮出版社 (2) : 48-65, 2010

      39 王概, "全譯芥子園畵傳" アトリエ社 1935-1936,

      40 미야자키 노리코, "中國花鳥畵の意味 下–藻魚圖·蓮池水禽圖·草蟲圖の寓意と受容について" 東京文化財硏究所 美術部 364 : 324-345, 1996

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      44 고바야시 히로미츠, "中國畵譜の集大成–『芥子園畵傳』 初集·二集·三集の全貌–, In 大東急記念文庫蔵 芥子園畵傳" 勉誠出版 397-417, 2009

      45 고바야시 히로미츠, "中國畵譜の舶載, 翻刻と和製畵譜の誕生, In 近世日本繪畵と畵譜·繪手本展 〈II〉" 町田市立國際版畵美術館 1990

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      48 周心慧, "中國古版畵通史" 學苑出版社 2000

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      51 차미애, "『십죽재서화보』와 표암 강세황" 연세대학교 강진다산실학연구원 3 : 201-240, 2010

      52 김명선, "『개자원화전』초집과 조선 후기 남종산수화" 한국미술사학회 210 : 5-33, 1996

      53 아오키 마사루, "『青木正兒全集』 10" 春秋社 1969

      54 劉越, "『芥子園畵傳初集』考評" 南京師範大學 2007

      55 劉越, "『芥子園畵傳初集』刻本辨正" 淸華大學校 (3) : 94-100, 2008

      56 쓰루다 다케요시, "『芥子園畵傳』についてーその成立と江戶畵壇への影響" 東京文化財硏究所美術部 283 : 81-92, 1972

      57 오카자키 히사지, "『芥子園畵傳』–迷宮の傳說, In 大東急記念文庫蔵芥子園畵傳" 勉誠出版 419-435, 2009

      58 Delbanco, Dawn Ho, "Wang Kai and the Stylistic Sources for the Mustard Seed Garden Painting Manual" Harvard University 1976

      59 Ch’iu, A, "The Chieh Tzu Yüan Hua Chuan(Mustard Seed Garden Painting Manual):Early Editions in American Collections" 5 : 55-69, 1951

      60 Delbanco, Dawn Ho, "Review of The Mustard Seed Garden Manual of Painting translated by Maimai Sze" Harvard-Yenching Institute 39 (39): 184-190, 1979

      61 Chia, Lucille, "Of Three Mountains Street: The Commercial Publishers of Ming Nanjing, In Printing and Book Culture in Late Imperial China, Berkeley and Los Angeles" University of California Press 107-151, 2005

      62 Delbanco, Dawn Ho, "Nanking and the Mustard Seed Garden painting manual" Harvard University 1981

      63 Chang, Chun-shu, "Crisis and Transformation in Seventeenth-Century China: Society, Culture and Modernity in Li Yü’s World" The University of Michigan Press 1992

      64 Brokaw, Cynthia J., "Commerce in Culture: The Sibao Book Trade in the Qing and Republican Periods" Harvard Asia Center 2007

      65 수잔 나퀸, "18세기 중국사회" 신서원 1998

      66 王槪, "(完譯)芥子園畵傳" 旲浩出版社 1981

      67 王槪, "(完譯)芥子園畵傳" 綾城出版社 1976


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