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      워라밸 이슈 비교 분석: 한국과 미국 = Comparative Analysis of Work-Life Balance Issues between Korea and the United States



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      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      Purpose This study collects the issues about work-life balance in Korea and United States and suggests the specific plans for work-life balance by the comparison and analysis. The objective of this study is to contribute to the improvement of people's life quality by understanding the concept of work-life balance that has become the issue recently and offering the detailed plans to be considered in respect of individual, corporate and governmental level for society of work-life balance.

      Design/methodology/approach This study collects work-life balance related issues through recruit sites in Korea and United States, compares and analyzes the collected data from the results of three text mining techniques such as LDA topic modeling, term frequency analysis and keyword extraction analysis.

      Findings According to the text mining results, this study shows that it is important to build corporate culture that support work-life balance in free organizational atmosphere especially in Korea. It also appears that there are the differences against whether work-life balance can be achieved and recognition and satisfaction about work-life balance along type of company or sort of working. In case of United States, it shows that it is important for them to work more efficiently by raising teamwork level among team members who work together as well as the role of the leaders who lead the teams in the organization. It is also significant for the company to provide their employees with the opportunity of education and training that enables them to improve their individual capability or skill. Furthermore, it suggests the roles of individuals, company and government and specific plans based on the analysis of text mining results in both countries.

      Purpose This study collects the issues about work-life balance in Korea and United States and suggests the specific plans for work-life balance by the comparison and analysis. The objective of this study is to contribute to the improvement of people's...

      Purpose This study collects the issues about work-life balance in Korea and United States and suggests the specific plans for work-life balance by the comparison and analysis. The objective of this study is to contribute to the improvement of people's life quality by understanding the concept of work-life balance that has become the issue recently and offering the detailed plans to be considered in respect of individual, corporate and governmental level for society of work-life balance.

      Design/methodology/approach This study collects work-life balance related issues through recruit sites in Korea and United States, compares and analyzes the collected data from the results of three text mining techniques such as LDA topic modeling, term frequency analysis and keyword extraction analysis.

      Findings According to the text mining results, this study shows that it is important to build corporate culture that support work-life balance in free organizational atmosphere especially in Korea. It also appears that there are the differences against whether work-life balance can be achieved and recognition and satisfaction about work-life balance along type of company or sort of working. In case of United States, it shows that it is important for them to work more efficiently by raising teamwork level among team members who work together as well as the role of the leaders who lead the teams in the organization. It is also significant for the company to provide their employees with the opportunity of education and training that enables them to improve their individual capability or skill. Furthermore, it suggests the roles of individuals, company and government and specific plans based on the analysis of text mining results in both countries.


      참고문헌 (Reference)

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