This study aimed to explore the collaborative elements and strategies between physical therapists and special education teachers to provide substantial support for the ‘Activities of Daily Living' in the 2022 revised special education basic curricul...
This study aimed to explore the collaborative elements and strategies between physical therapists and special education teachers to provide substantial support for the ‘Activities of Daily Living' in the 2022 revised special education basic curriculum, and to draw implications.
The research utilized literature research methods, analyzing domestic and international poli cies, laws, official documents from national agencies and related organizations, and previous studies. The findings were as follows: The analysis of content elements of activities of dai ly living in physical therapy and special education revealed related or common elements in the areas of independent living, physical activity, and adaptive living for those with severe disabilities. The main common elements included emphasis on self-care skills, focus on en hancing physical movement and mobility, and support for adaptation and participation in daily life. The key collaborative elements were: firstly, integrating therapeutic and educa tional approaches; secondly, jointly setting physical and functional goals in individualized education plans(IEP); thirdly, sharing expertise and resources; and fourthly, developing joint educational programs for activities of daily living Additionally, domestic studies and examples of school-based physical therapy(SBPT) in the United States suggested that col laboration between physical therapy and special education can be effective in supporting ed ucational outcomes when implemented in school environments.