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      오우즈 투르크와 우즈베크 영웅서사시의 상호텍스트성 연구: 「밤스 베이렉(BAMSI BEYREK)」과 『알퍼므쉬(Alpomish)』를 중심으로 = A Study on the Intertextuality of Heroic Epics between Oguz Turks and Uzbek: Focusing on Bamsı Beyrek and Alpomish



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      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      The aim of this study is to argue the possibilities of discovering a Central Eurasian Cultural Complex and writing the history of Turkic oral literature in the entire territory of Eurasia. Despite the vastness of the territory of the Turkic peoples and their specific languages, Turkic oral literature has many common factors and shows intertextuality. With this idea, two heroic epics were compared to each other in terms of plot and motifs. The texts which were compared were Bamsı Beyrek from the Oguz Turks and Alpomish from the Uzbek people. It was shown that the contents of both epic poems and the origin of the stories could be the same. The stories begin and continue with this storyline and chains of motifs: lack of child →to pray to God→ birth of hero→ engagement in the cradle→ to prove his ability to community→ to gain his holy name as a hero→ to save the fiancee/to pass a trial of his fiancee→crisis→to be confined in a dungeon→to receive help from a daughter of enemy→to be extricated out of dungeon by his own horse→return to home→transformation dress→ to be confirmed his identity by archery→ marriage and creation of new order. Finally, the study points out the striking similarities between two epics as evidence properly supporting the intertextuality of a literary legacy of all Turkic peoples.

      The aim of this study is to argue the possibilities of discovering a Central Eurasian Cultural Complex and writing the history of Turkic oral literature in the entire territory of Eurasia. Despite the vastness of the territory of the Turkic peoples an...

      The aim of this study is to argue the possibilities of discovering a Central Eurasian Cultural Complex and writing the history of Turkic oral literature in the entire territory of Eurasia. Despite the vastness of the territory of the Turkic peoples and their specific languages, Turkic oral literature has many common factors and shows intertextuality. With this idea, two heroic epics were compared to each other in terms of plot and motifs. The texts which were compared were Bamsı Beyrek from the Oguz Turks and Alpomish from the Uzbek people. It was shown that the contents of both epic poems and the origin of the stories could be the same. The stories begin and continue with this storyline and chains of motifs: lack of child →to pray to God→ birth of hero→ engagement in the cradle→ to prove his ability to community→ to gain his holy name as a hero→ to save the fiancee/to pass a trial of his fiancee→crisis→to be confined in a dungeon→to receive help from a daughter of enemy→to be extricated out of dungeon by his own horse→return to home→transformation dress→ to be confirmed his identity by archery→ marriage and creation of new order. Finally, the study points out the striking similarities between two epics as evidence properly supporting the intertextuality of a literary legacy of all Turkic peoples.


      참고문헌 (Reference)

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      1 서대석, "한국 신화의 비교연구" 집문당 556-564, 2001

      2 오은경, "투르크 영웅서사시와 무가의상관성 연구" 중동연구소 34 (34): 209-230, 2015

      3 오은경, "투르크 구전서사시의 샤머니즘적 모티프 연구" 중동문제연구소 14 (14): 117-147, 2015

      4 이희수, "터키사" 대한교과서 2005

      5 하자노프, "유목사회의 구조 : 역사인류학적 접근" 지식산업사 1990

      6 오은경, "유라시아 투르크 명창 문화의 초국가적 실크로드 무형문화유산으로서의 가능성 연구" 한국슬라브․유라시아학회 31 (31): 183-218, 2016

      7 오은경, "우즈벡의 구연자와 구연학파, 알퍼므쉬 콘그롯(우즈벡) 판본의 구연본 비교 연구" 중동연구소 32 (32): 139-166, 2013

      8 오은경, "우즈벡 알퍼므쉬와 한국 주몽신화의 활쏘기 모티프 비교연구" 외국문학연구소 (44) : 121-136, 2011

      9 오은경, "우즈베크 영웅서사시를 통한 우즈베크인의 욕망과 자아이상(ego ideal) 분석" 한국중동학회 36 (36): 147-177, 2015

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