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1 문지영, "드골의 대미외교정책, 1958-1969" 한국프랑스사학회 16 (16): 165-192, 2007
2 U. Hasenöhrl, "Zivillgesellschaft und Protest. Zur Geschichte der Umweltbewegung in der BRD zwischen 1945 und 1980 am Beispiel Bayerns" WZB 16-, 2003
3 Walter E. Grunden, "Wartime Nuclear Weapons Research in Germany and Japan" 20 : 107-130, 2005
4 James H. Hill, "Uranium Enrichment In The United States" Oak Ridge Operations. Energy Research & Development Administration 1975
5 Spencer R. Weart, "The Rise of Nuclear Fear" Harvard University Press 32-44, 2012
6 Gabrielle Hecht, "The Radiance of France: Nuclear Power and National Identity after World War II" MIT Press 2009
7 John Krige, "The Peaceful Atom as Political Weapon: Euratom and American Foreign Policy in the Late 1950s" 38 (38): 5-44, 2008
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