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      우생학적 생명정치가 혼인법, 이혼법, 불임법(단종법) 등에 미친 영향  :  20세기 초 영국과 미국을 중심으로 = The Influence of Eugenical Biopolitics on Marriage Law, Divorce Law and Sterilization Law ― Focused on the Britain and the United States in the Early 20th Century ―



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      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      Napoleon once said, “Politics is our fate,” Hans Jonas said, “Technology is our fate,” and, today, we can say, “Biopolitics is our fate.” Bioethical principles and disputes always exist behind biopolitics. For example, this policy, called ...

      Napoleon once said, “Politics is our fate,” Hans Jonas said, “Technology is our fate,” and, today, we can say, “Biopolitics is our fate.” Bioethical principles and disputes always exist behind biopolitics. For example, this policy, called eugenics, was the emergency of influential biopolitics in the early 20th century. The word eugenics was coined in 1883 by Francis Galton. The term eugenics comes from the Greek roots for “good” and “generation” or “origin” and was first used to refer to the “science” of heredity and good breeding. With the rise of new genetic technologies, and the technical ability to change an individual's genetic heritage, eugenics is once again a topic both discussed and written about throughout the world. A sterilization law, marriage law, divorce law which had been entitled “Eugenics in the service of public welfare” indicated compulsory disadvantage to people referred to as “biologically inferior.” That is to say, banning marriage, getting a divorce and sterilization “for the prevention of progeny with hereditary defects” in cases of “congenital mental defects, schizophrenia, manic-depressive psychosis, hereditary epilepsy… and severe alcoholism.” was permitted by law. A mensa et thero and a private bill of divorce caused many problems(increase of cohabitation, single mothers, illegitimate child etc.) with spouses who want to get a divorce since it didn’t permit to remarry. An (a)eugenical point of view showed that it was necessary to admit getting a divorce for preventing them from passing on biologically inferior genes. Therefore the british eugenics Movement worked up to MAC 1937 (Matrimonial Causes Act 1937). Which deigned to grant a divorce because of cruelity, abandonment, congenital incurable mental disease besides adultery. While Britain focused on amendment divorce law, U.S. concentrated on sterilization law and marriage law. In U.S., between 1907 and 1937 thirty-two states required sterilization of various citizens viewed as undesirable. In the first half of the 20th century, more than 60,000 Americans-poor, uneducated, members of minorities-were forcibly sterilized to prevent them from passing on supposedly defective genes. And many states banned marriage of the mentally ill or handicapped, those convicted of sexual, drug, or alcohol crimes and others viewed as “degenerate”. With the end of World War I, German “scientific propagandists” (psychiatrists and anthropologists) were devastated by the democratic Weimar Republic and saw Hitler as someone who would recognize their ideas and give them prominence. Someone provides a detailed account of the alliance between Hitler and scientists by reporting on a number of interviews he conducted with the participants. The co-mingling of science, politics, and Weltanschauung (ideological or religious world view) caused the darkest period for eugenics when Nazi Germans embarked on their “final solution” to the Jewish question, or the Holocaust. The Nazi racial hygiene program began with involuntary sterilizations and ended with genocide. In the Early 20th, Britain, U.S. and German infringe on human rights of many disabled people under the name of ‘eugenical biopolitics’. They discriminated good genes from inferior ones put forward the claim that prevent them from passing on biologically inferior genes. For example, the Nazis sent about 70,000 disabled people, discounting them as “lives not worth living,” and millions of Jewish people to the gas chambers under the name of ‘ethnic(eugenical) cleansing.’ But it is not only a ‘crime against humanity,’ but a ‘crime against mankind.’A ‘crime against mankind’ is a crime against the human status, or human nature itself.


      목차 (Table of Contents)

      • Ⅰ. 들어가는
      • Ⅱ. 우생학적 생명정치
      • Ⅲ 영국의 우생학적 생명정치의 전개
      • IV. 미국의 우생학적 생명정치의 전개
      • Ⅴ. 맺음말(우리에게 시사하는 점)
      • Ⅰ. 들어가는
      • Ⅱ. 우생학적 생명정치
      • Ⅲ 영국의 우생학적 생명정치의 전개
      • IV. 미국의 우생학적 생명정치의 전개
      • Ⅴ. 맺음말(우리에게 시사하는 점)

      참고문헌 (Reference)

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      2 서종희, "한국에서의 호모사케르: 동성혼" 법학연구소 26 (26): 109-148, 2010

      3 김주수, "친족·상속법" 법문사 2008

      4 위르겐 하버마스, "인간이라는 자연의 미래 —자유주의적 우생학 비판—" 나남출판 2003

      5 스티븐 제이 굴드, "인간에 대한 오해" 사회평론 2003

      6 정세권, "인간에 대한 ‘미국식 과학’의 형성: 대번포트(Charles Benedict Davenport)의 우생학" 한국과학사학회 30 (30): 139-169, 2008

      7 최경석, "유전자 검사 및 연구의 윤리적 문제와유전치료의 문제 : 유전자 결정론을 중심으로" 한국의료윤리학회 9 (9): 223-233, 2006

      8 김호연, "우생학에 대한 다층적 접근 : 유전, 환경 그리고 이념" 한국환경법학회 27 (27): 139-158, 2005

      9 염운옥, "우생학과 여성 ―골턴, 피어슨, 살리비를 중심으로―" 영국사학회 (13) : 89-118, 2005

      10 이화숙, "영국의 이혼법 개정과 민법 제840조의 해석론·입법론" 박영사 2001

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      2 서종희, "한국에서의 호모사케르: 동성혼" 법학연구소 26 (26): 109-148, 2010

      3 김주수, "친족·상속법" 법문사 2008

      4 위르겐 하버마스, "인간이라는 자연의 미래 —자유주의적 우생학 비판—" 나남출판 2003

      5 스티븐 제이 굴드, "인간에 대한 오해" 사회평론 2003

      6 정세권, "인간에 대한 ‘미국식 과학’의 형성: 대번포트(Charles Benedict Davenport)의 우생학" 한국과학사학회 30 (30): 139-169, 2008

      7 최경석, "유전자 검사 및 연구의 윤리적 문제와유전치료의 문제 : 유전자 결정론을 중심으로" 한국의료윤리학회 9 (9): 223-233, 2006

      8 김호연, "우생학에 대한 다층적 접근 : 유전, 환경 그리고 이념" 한국환경법학회 27 (27): 139-158, 2005

      9 염운옥, "우생학과 여성 ―골턴, 피어슨, 살리비를 중심으로―" 영국사학회 (13) : 89-118, 2005

      10 이화숙, "영국의 이혼법 개정과 민법 제840조의 해석론·입법론" 박영사 2001

      11 염운옥, "영국의 우생학 운동과 산아제한" 영국사학회 (12) : 235-271, 2004

      12 황동연, "역분화만능줄기세포(iPS; induced Pluripotent Stem cell)" 2 (2): 2008

      13 마이클 샌들, "생명의 윤리를 말하다 — 유전학적으로 완벽해지려는 인간에 대한 반론 —" 도서출판 동녘 2010

      14 홍정화, "생명윤리 및 안전에 관한 법률과 유전자 윤리" 한국생명윤리학회 11 (11): 61-77, 2010

      15 임미원, "생명관념의 기초적 고찰-기든스, 푸코, 아감벤의 정치철학적 논점을 중심으로-" 법과사회이론학회 (37) : 327-351, 2009

      16 이성숙, "산아제한과 페미니즘― 애니 베상트 사건과 맬더스주의 ―" 영국사학회 8 : 33-61, 2002

      17 한상희, "법과 일상생활의 문화비평적 재구성 — ‘몸’담론분석을 통한 생활정치의 복원" (21) : 2001

      18 로렌스 M. 프리드만, "미국법의 역사" 청림출판 2006

      19 안토니오 네르리, "다중-전쟁이 지배하는 시대의 전쟁과 민주주의" 세종서적 2008

      20 Savage, Gail, "‘The Willful Communication of a Loathsome Disease’: Marital Conflict and Venereal Disease in Victorian England" 34 (34): 1990

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      22 Black, Edwin, "War Against the Weak" Four Walls Eight Windows and others worldwide 2003

      23 Himmelfarb, Gertrude, "Victorian Minds: A Study of Intellectuals in Crisis and of Ideologies in Transition" Harper & Row 1962

      24 Fisher, Lettice, "Twenty-One Years and After: 1918-1946: The Story of the National Council for Unmarried Mother and Her Child" NCUMC 1946

      25 Friedlander, Henry, "The origin of Nazi Genocide: From Euthanasia to the Final Solution" The University of North Carolina press 1995

      26 Blake, Nelson M., "The Road to Reno: A History of Divorce in the United States" Macmillan 1962

      27 Grant, Madison, "The Passing of the Great Race" Charles Scribner’s Sons 1916

      28 MORINAGA, Shinichiro, "The Current Debate on Human Embryo Research and Human Dignity" (3) : 2008

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      30 Hofstadter, Richard, "Social Darwinism in American Thought" George Braziler 1955

      31 Allen, Garland E., "Science Misapplied: The Eugenics Age Revisited" 8 (8): 1996

      32 Proctor, Robert N., "Racial Hygiene: Medicine under the Nazis" Harvard University Press 1988

      33 Davenport, C. B., "Race Crossing in Jamaica" Carnegie Institution 1929

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      35 Veronica Pearson, "Population Policy and Eugenics in China" 167 : 1995

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      37 Amstrong, D., "Political Anatomy of the Body: Medical knowledge in Britain in the TwentiethCentury" Cambridge University Press 1983

      38 Benno., Müller-Hill, "Murderous Science: Elimination by Scientific Selection of Jews, Gypsies, and Others, Germany 1933-1945" Oxford University Press 1945

      39 Smith, Jesse Spaulding, "Marriage, Sterilization and Commitment Laws Aimed at Decreasing Mental Deficiency" 5 : 1914

      40 "Kent, Commentaries, vol.2(2nd ed., 1832)"

      41 Galton, F., "Inquiries into Human Faculty and Its Development. 1st ed" Macmillan 2001

      42 Baldauf, Scott, "India’s ‘Girl Deficit’ Deepest among Educated" 13 : 2006

      43 Daniel., Kevles, "In The Name of Eugenics: Genetics and the Uses of Human Heredity" Harvard University Press 1995

      44 Degler, Carl N., "In Search of Human Nature: The Decline and Revival of Darwinism in American Social Thought" Oxford University Press 1991

      45 Wallace, Alfred Russel, "Human Selection" 54 : 1980

      46 Galton, F., "Hereditary Talent and Character" 12 : 1965

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      49 Castle, William E., "Genetics and Eugenics" Harvard University Press 1920

      50 Suzuki Zenji, "Geneticists and the Eugenics Movement in Japan" 14 : 1975

      51 Kerr, Anne, "Genetic Politics: from Eugenics to Genome" New Clarion Press 2002

      52 Kakuk P., "Gene concepts and genethics: beyond exceptionalism" 4 (4): 2007

      53 Goddard, H. H., "Four Hundred Feeble-minded Children Classified by the Binet Method" 15 : 1910

      54 Allen, Ann Taylor, "Feminism and Eugenics in Germany and Britain, 1900-1940: A Comparative Perspectine" 23 (23): 2000

      55 Vermaat, JA Emerson, "Euthanasia’ in the Third Reich: Lesson for Today?" 18 : 2002

      56 Young-ran, Jo, "Eugenics, Public Health, and the Control of Tuberculosis in the Early Twentieth-Century Britain" 15 : 1993

      57 Macnicol, John, "Eugenics and the Campaign for Voluntary Sterilization in Britan Between the Wars" 2 : 1989

      58 Binney, C., "Eugenic Aspect of the English Criminal Law" 60 (60): 1968

      59 Arendt, Hannah, "Eichmann in Jerusalem - Ein Bericht von der Banalität des Bo¨sen" Piper 1986

      60 Popenoe, P., "Eeeblemindedness" 6 : 1915

      61 Cooke, Kathy J., "Duty or Dream? Edwin G. Cooklin’s Critique of Eugenics and Support for American Individualism" 35 (35): 2002

      62 Colins Barnes, "Disability Studies Today" Policy 2002

      63 Bishop, Joel, "Commentaries on the Law of Marriage and Divorce 31" Boston, Little, Brown & Co 1852

      64 Notes, "Collusive and Consensual Divorce and the New York Anomaly" 36 (36): 1936

      65 Claire O’Brien, "China Urged to Delay to ‘Eugenics’ Law" 383 : 1996

      66 Gould, Stephen Jay, "Carrie Buck’s Daughter. in: The Flamingo’s Smile: Reflection in Natural History" W. W. Norton 1985

      67 Dickens, M., "Can Sex Selection Be Ethically Tolerated?" 28 : 2002

      68 U. S. Supreme Court, "Buck v. Bell" 47 : 1927

      69 Wetz, "Biomedizin und Menschenwürde" Suhrkamp 2004

      70 Bimbacher, "Biomedizin und Menschenwur̈de" Suhrkamp 2004

      71 Graefe, Stefanie, "Autonomie am Lebensende?: Biopolitik, Ökonomisierung und die Debatte um Sterbehilfe" Campus Verlag 2007

      72 염운옥, "20세기 초 잉글랜드의 이혼법 개정과 우생학" 역사문제연구소 (64) : 281-302, 2003

      73 김호연, "19세기 말 영국 우생학의 탄생과 사회적 영향 ― 국가적 효율과 우생학적 건강 ―" 이화사학연구소 (36) : 233-259, 2008


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