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      여성노인의 지각연령과 라이프스타일이 사회무용 프로그램 참여동기에 미치는 영향 = The Participation motivation of social dance program by Self-Perceived and life style of elderly women



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      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      The purpose of this research is to find the self-perceived age and life style of elderly women, and figure out participation motivation of social dance program. The research took the deductive motivationing in terms of purpose for verifying the hypothesis, and the questionnaire had been used. The questionnaire was operated by self-administrated method. The main target audience of this research is the elderly women who participate in social dance program at the aged education institute located in Seoul. By using proposive sampling among non probability sampling, totally 423 papers had been distributed, and 408 questionnaires had been used for practical analysis. SPSS Window 18.0 version was used for data process of the research. And data were analyzed by frequencies, exploratory factor analysis, reliability analysis one-way ANOVA, correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis. As a result, first, self-perceived age by social population characteristics shows significant difference in all factors of self-perceived age as chronological age, the marriage status, education level, economical level. Second, life style by social population characteristics shows significant difference in all factors of life style as education level, economical level. Also, chronological age shows significant difference in active and private relationship, ostensible life, self-developer. Third, participation motivation of social dance program. by social population characteristics shows significant difference in all factors of participation motivation of social dance program, as chronological age, economical level. Also, the marriage status shows significant difference in intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation, education level shows significant difference in extrinsic motivation and the unmotivated. Forth, the analysis of the influence of self-perceived age on life style shows look age, act age, and feel age influenced in urban-lifestyle-seeker. Also, act age and feel age influenced in self-developer and conservative-intention. And, interest age and feel age influenced in ostensible life only. Fifth, the analysis of the influence of self-perceived age on participation motivation of social dance program shows look age influenced in intrinsic motivation. Also, act age influenced in extrinsic motivation. Sixth, the analysis of the influence of life style on participation motivation of social dance program shows active and private relationship, active-leisure-seeker, self-developer, future-preparation, prudence-purchase, and urban-lifestyle-seeker types influenced in intrinsic motivation. Also, active-leisure-seeker ostensible life, self-developer, conservative-intention, and prudence-purchase influenced in extrinsic motivation. And active and private relationship, ostensible life, self-developer, conservative-intention, prudence-purchase influenced in the unmotivated.

      The purpose of this research is to find the self-perceived age and life style of elderly women, and figure out participation motivation of social dance program. The research took the deductive motivationing in terms of purpose for verifying the hypoth...

      The purpose of this research is to find the self-perceived age and life style of elderly women, and figure out participation motivation of social dance program. The research took the deductive motivationing in terms of purpose for verifying the hypothesis, and the questionnaire had been used. The questionnaire was operated by self-administrated method. The main target audience of this research is the elderly women who participate in social dance program at the aged education institute located in Seoul. By using proposive sampling among non probability sampling, totally 423 papers had been distributed, and 408 questionnaires had been used for practical analysis. SPSS Window 18.0 version was used for data process of the research. And data were analyzed by frequencies, exploratory factor analysis, reliability analysis one-way ANOVA, correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis. As a result, first, self-perceived age by social population characteristics shows significant difference in all factors of self-perceived age as chronological age, the marriage status, education level, economical level. Second, life style by social population characteristics shows significant difference in all factors of life style as education level, economical level. Also, chronological age shows significant difference in active and private relationship, ostensible life, self-developer. Third, participation motivation of social dance program. by social population characteristics shows significant difference in all factors of participation motivation of social dance program, as chronological age, economical level. Also, the marriage status shows significant difference in intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation, education level shows significant difference in extrinsic motivation and the unmotivated. Forth, the analysis of the influence of self-perceived age on life style shows look age, act age, and feel age influenced in urban-lifestyle-seeker. Also, act age and feel age influenced in self-developer and conservative-intention. And, interest age and feel age influenced in ostensible life only. Fifth, the analysis of the influence of self-perceived age on participation motivation of social dance program shows look age influenced in intrinsic motivation. Also, act age influenced in extrinsic motivation. Sixth, the analysis of the influence of life style on participation motivation of social dance program shows active and private relationship, active-leisure-seeker, self-developer, future-preparation, prudence-purchase, and urban-lifestyle-seeker types influenced in intrinsic motivation. Also, active-leisure-seeker ostensible life, self-developer, conservative-intention, and prudence-purchase influenced in extrinsic motivation. And active and private relationship, ostensible life, self-developer, conservative-intention, prudence-purchase influenced in the unmotivated.


      목차 (Table of Contents)

      • Abstract
      • Ⅰ. 서론
      • Ⅱ. 연구방법
      • Ⅲ. 결과
      • Ⅳ. 논의
      • Abstract
      • Ⅰ. 서론
      • Ⅱ. 연구방법
      • Ⅲ. 결과
      • Ⅳ. 논의
      • Ⅴ. 결론 및 제언
      • 참고문헌

      참고문헌 (Reference)

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