1 이홍경, "트라우마를 남긴 사랑-베른하르트 슐링크의 『책 읽어주는 남자』의 정신분석학적 고찰" 한국독어독문학회 46 (46): 124-143, 2005
2 슐링크, 베른하르트, "책 읽어주는 남자" 세계사 1999
3 김임구, "신시대사 연구와 문학비평의 새로운 지평—B. Schlink의 소설 『책 읽어주는 남자』를 중심으로" 80 : 264-290, 2001
4 이희영, "독일 ‘68세대’와 과거극복:나치과거에 대한 세대경험의 연속성과 단절에 대하여" 한국사회학회 40 (40): 32-61, 2006
5 Metz, Joseph, "“Truth Is a Woman”: Post-Holocaust Narrative, Postmodernism, and the Gender of Fascism in Bernhard Schlink’s Der Vorleser" 77 (77): 300-323, 2004
6 Mahlendorf, Ursula, "Trauma Narrated, Read and (Mis)understood: Bernhard Schlink’s The Reader: “...Irrevocably Complicit in Their Crimes.." 95 (95): 458-481, 2003
7 Ozick, Cynthia, "The Rights of Fiction and the Rights of Imagination" 107 (107): 22-27, 1999
8 Hall, Katharina, "The Author, The Novel, The Reader and The Perils of “Neue Lesbarkeit”: A Comparative Analysis of Bernhard Schlink’s Selbs Justiz and Der Vorleser" 59 (59): 446-467, 2002
9 Busse, Kristina, "Imagining Auschwitz: Postmodern Representations of the Holocaust" 미국 툴레인대학(Tulane University) 2002
10 Kilb, Andreas, "Im Gespräch: Bernhard Schlink: Herr Schlink, ist “Der Vorleser” Geschichte?"
1 이홍경, "트라우마를 남긴 사랑-베른하르트 슐링크의 『책 읽어주는 남자』의 정신분석학적 고찰" 한국독어독문학회 46 (46): 124-143, 2005
2 슐링크, 베른하르트, "책 읽어주는 남자" 세계사 1999
3 김임구, "신시대사 연구와 문학비평의 새로운 지평—B. Schlink의 소설 『책 읽어주는 남자』를 중심으로" 80 : 264-290, 2001
4 이희영, "독일 ‘68세대’와 과거극복:나치과거에 대한 세대경험의 연속성과 단절에 대하여" 한국사회학회 40 (40): 32-61, 2006
5 Metz, Joseph, "“Truth Is a Woman”: Post-Holocaust Narrative, Postmodernism, and the Gender of Fascism in Bernhard Schlink’s Der Vorleser" 77 (77): 300-323, 2004
6 Mahlendorf, Ursula, "Trauma Narrated, Read and (Mis)understood: Bernhard Schlink’s The Reader: “...Irrevocably Complicit in Their Crimes.." 95 (95): 458-481, 2003
7 Ozick, Cynthia, "The Rights of Fiction and the Rights of Imagination" 107 (107): 22-27, 1999
8 Hall, Katharina, "The Author, The Novel, The Reader and The Perils of “Neue Lesbarkeit”: A Comparative Analysis of Bernhard Schlink’s Selbs Justiz and Der Vorleser" 59 (59): 446-467, 2002
9 Busse, Kristina, "Imagining Auschwitz: Postmodern Representations of the Holocaust" 미국 툴레인대학(Tulane University) 2002
10 Kilb, Andreas, "Im Gespräch: Bernhard Schlink: Herr Schlink, ist “Der Vorleser” Geschichte?"
11 Donahue, William Collins, "Illusions of Subtlety: Bernhard Schlink’s Der Vorleser and The Moral Limits of Holocaust Fiction" 54 (54): 60-81, 2001
12 Brice, James Stuart, "German Holocaust Literature: Trends and Tendencies" 독일 콘스탄쯔대학(Universität Konstanz) 2006
13 Niven, Bill, "Bernhard Schlink’s Der Vorleser and the Problem of Shame" 98 (98): 381-396, 2003
14 Reynolds, Daniel, "A Portrait of Misleading: Bernhard Schlink’s Der Vorleser" 39 (39): 238-256, 2003