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      Evidence of Success Factors of Twitter: Effects of the Information Quality of Tweets and Reputation and Intentions of Tweet Providers



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      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      The purpose of this article is to consider which factors promote the success of the online social networking site Twitter. This study investigates how four factors–hedonic and utilitarian quality of tweets, and reputation and intentions of tweet pro...

      The purpose of this article is to consider which factors promote the success of the online social networking site Twitter. This study investigates how four factors–hedonic and utilitarian quality of tweets, and reputation and intentions of tweet providers–influence perceived trust and user satisfaction, thus elevating the continued use intentions of Twitter users. The results indicate that hedonic tweet quality had a significant positive effect on user satisfaction, but not on perceived trust. The utilitarian quality of tweets had a significant positive effect on perceived trust, but not on user satisfaction. Tweet providers’ reputation had a significant positive effect on user satisfaction; however, contrary to expectations, it had no significant positive effect on perceived trust. Tweet providers’ intentions had a significant positive effect on perceived trust, but not on user satisfaction. Perceived trust had a significant positive effect on user satisfaction. Both perceived trust and user satisfaction had a significant positive effect on continued use intentions.


      참고문헌 (Reference)

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