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    RISS 인기검색어

      하천 사행의 계량형태학적 특성 = Morphometrical characteristics of River Meandering



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      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      The purpose of this study is to examine the meander charactericstics for the rivers in Korea..In this study, the new characteristics factors of meander are proposed, and the relationships among the factors proposed in this study and the existing factors are derived. An attempt is made to find considerable relation among meander characteristics, but width and meander belt did not show any defined trend and considerable scatter of points was observed. Relationships among the meander length, belt and flowrate, etc., which are factors of meander characteristics, are analyzed the 67 rivers above 30km in length. Channel shape factor which is the ratio of the length from the starting point to the end to the channel lenght, tortuosity which is the ratio of the curved channel length against the channel length are suggested for a new characteristics factor of meander. They are well correlated with channel length, Horton's shape facotr and meander gradient, consequently have to be important measures of river meander. The result of the detailed comparison and the analysis of degree of sinuosity, velocity and water surface slop are brought light on the fact show that the curved reach is morestable than the straight one. The ratio of the meander length to the meander belt and its accumulative frequency showed excellent correlationship when plotted on the semi-log paper. The results of regression analysis of meander belt and meander length show linear for the South Han river branches and power curve for the Geum river and the Nakdong river branches.

      The purpose of this study is to examine the meander charactericstics for the rivers in Korea..In this study, the new characteristics factors of meander are proposed, and the relationships among the factors proposed in this study and the existing facto...

      The purpose of this study is to examine the meander charactericstics for the rivers in Korea..In this study, the new characteristics factors of meander are proposed, and the relationships among the factors proposed in this study and the existing factors are derived. An attempt is made to find considerable relation among meander characteristics, but width and meander belt did not show any defined trend and considerable scatter of points was observed. Relationships among the meander length, belt and flowrate, etc., which are factors of meander characteristics, are analyzed the 67 rivers above 30km in length. Channel shape factor which is the ratio of the length from the starting point to the end to the channel lenght, tortuosity which is the ratio of the curved channel length against the channel length are suggested for a new characteristics factor of meander. They are well correlated with channel length, Horton's shape facotr and meander gradient, consequently have to be important measures of river meander. The result of the detailed comparison and the analysis of degree of sinuosity, velocity and water surface slop are brought light on the fact show that the curved reach is morestable than the straight one. The ratio of the meander length to the meander belt and its accumulative frequency showed excellent correlationship when plotted on the semi-log paper. The results of regression analysis of meander belt and meander length show linear for the South Han river branches and power curve for the Geum river and the Nakdong river branches.


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