Obtaining knowledge through acquisitions is an important avenue through which firms can build a competitive advantage. However, to fully exploit the value associated with technology acquisitions, acquiring firms must effectively leverage knowledge acq...
Obtaining knowledge through acquisitions is an important avenue through which firms can build a competitive advantage. However, to fully exploit the value associated with technology acquisitions, acquiring firms must effectively leverage knowledge acquired from these acquisitions.We identify and discuss two distinct types of knowledge leverage behaviors undertakenby acquiring firms: integrated and independent knowledge leverage.Weaddress how the prior innovation patterns of acquiring firms influence these two modes of knowledge leverage behaviors.We find that the degree of exploitation of acquiring firms promotesintegratingtheir existing knowledge withacquiredknowledge in innovative actions following an acquisition. Incontrast, the degree of exploration of acquirers enhancesnew innovations with the use of acquired knowledgeto reinvent and extend them in a new technology direction.In addition, the acquisition rate moderates the relationship between the acquiring firms’ previous innovation pattern and their knowledge leverage mode. Thefindings of this paper imply that pre- and post-acquisition innovation outcomes are distinct, but the underlying organizational capability and processes that allow firms to leverage acquired knowledge carry over from pre-acquisition experiences.