Background and Objectives:fibroblast proliferation. It has been successfuly used in adjunction to glaucoma surgery, dacryocystorhinostomy, pterygium surgery, and middle meatal antrostomy. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the eficacy and safe...
Background and Objectives:fibroblast proliferation. It has been successfuly used in adjunction to glaucoma surgery, dacryocystorhinostomy, pterygium surgery, and middle meatal antrostomy. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the eficacy and safety of intraoperative Mitomycin-C application as an adjunct therapy in the endoscopic treatment of laryngeal stenosis and granulation. Materials and Method:A total 13 subjects, of whom 2 had anterior glottic web, 4 posterior laryngeal stenosis, and 7 laryngeal granuloma were included. All underwent stroboscopy and were treated with endoscopic laryngomicrosurgery with CO2 laser. Then, 1 cc of 0.4 mg/mL Mitomycin-C was directly applied for 4 minutes on the surgical site. The patients symptoms were assessed, and the size of the airway was graded on a scale of I (≤50% ) to IV (total occlusion) after a mean follow-up period of 5 months. The recurence of the laryngeal granuloma was checked. Results:There was a significant improvement in postoperative symptoms in the group ecannulation. The postoperative size of airway was markedly increased and restenosis was not noted. There was only one case of recurence in the granuloma group. Conclusion:According to these preliminary results, it is suggested that application of Mitomycin-C can be used as a beneficial adjunct therapy in the endoscopic CO2 laser excision for laryngeal stenosis and granuloma. (Korean J Otolaryngol 2003 ;46 :508-12)