1 McLuhan, Marshall, "Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man" McGraw-Hill 1-318, 1964
2 Lord, Albert B., "The Singer of Tales 2nd edition. ed. Stephen Mitchell & Gregory Nagy" Harvard University Press 1-307, 2000
3 Ong, Walter J., "The Presence of the Word: Some Prolegomena for Cultural and Religious History" University of Minnesota Press 1-378, 1967
4 Havelock, Eric A., "The Muse Learns to Write: Reflections on Orality and Literacy from Antiquity to the Present" Yale University Press 1-144, 1986
5 Goody, Jack, "The Interface Between the Written and the Oral" Cambridge University Press 1-328, 1987
6 McLuhan, Marshall, "The Gutenberg Galaxy: the Making of Typographic Man" University of Toronto Press 1-293, 1962
7 Goody, Jack, "The Consequences of Literacy" 5 (5): 304-345, 1963
8 Havelock, Eric A., "Preface to Plato" Harvard University Press 1-328, 1963
9 Ong, Walter J., "Orality & Literacy: the Technologizing of the Word" Routledge 1-201, 1982
10 Finnegan, Ruth, "Oral Poetry: Its Nature, significance, and social context" Indiana University Press 1-299, 1992
1 McLuhan, Marshall, "Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man" McGraw-Hill 1-318, 1964
2 Lord, Albert B., "The Singer of Tales 2nd edition. ed. Stephen Mitchell & Gregory Nagy" Harvard University Press 1-307, 2000
3 Ong, Walter J., "The Presence of the Word: Some Prolegomena for Cultural and Religious History" University of Minnesota Press 1-378, 1967
4 Havelock, Eric A., "The Muse Learns to Write: Reflections on Orality and Literacy from Antiquity to the Present" Yale University Press 1-144, 1986
5 Goody, Jack, "The Interface Between the Written and the Oral" Cambridge University Press 1-328, 1987
6 McLuhan, Marshall, "The Gutenberg Galaxy: the Making of Typographic Man" University of Toronto Press 1-293, 1962
7 Goody, Jack, "The Consequences of Literacy" 5 (5): 304-345, 1963
8 Havelock, Eric A., "Preface to Plato" Harvard University Press 1-328, 1963
9 Ong, Walter J., "Orality & Literacy: the Technologizing of the Word" Routledge 1-201, 1982
10 Finnegan, Ruth, "Oral Poetry: Its Nature, significance, and social context" Indiana University Press 1-299, 1992
11 Goody, Jack, "Literacy in Traditional Societies" Cambridge University Press 1968
12 Finnegan, Ruth, "Literacy and Orality: Studies in the technology of communication" Blackwell 1988
13 Ong, Walter J., "Interfaces of the Word: Studies in the Evolution of Consciousness and Culture" Cornell University Press 1-352, 1977