There was a study about Space Program according to the change of universities' dormitory type as architectural type of university dormitory is changed from corridor system dormitory to hall system dormitory.
The method of study is done by theological...
There was a study about Space Program according to the change of universities' dormitory type as architectural type of university dormitory is changed from corridor system dormitory to hall system dormitory.
The method of study is done by theological inquiry and analysis of space organization dividing it into corridor system and hall system with the standard of bed arrangement of building's plane after choosing 18 national university as the subject of the study.
Functional classification of the space is basic facilities(lodging space, cooking space), supporting facilities(studying space, convenience space, management space), and the others(equipment space, common using space, etc.). With this, we can get the Space Program after calculating the area and distribution ratio and make a comparative study of correlation with them.
1. Recently, architectural planning character and direction is being changed from corridor system to hall system and to large size or high-rise and crowded building. Also, the distribution of residential population is being changed from sexual division to sexual mixing and from simple shape of building to theme building.
2. Students preferred to a veranda as the essential place in hall system. In the case of bedroom using by over two person in a room, there were frequent problem with their roommates because of lighting and noise, so it needs to set up the exclusive space for a night studying. In the corridor system, it is usual to accept 6 person per Unit because there were research that frequent visit of roommates' friends or sleeping without permission interfere with their studies, so it needs a separated exclusive studying space.
3. Acceptance rate of the national university dormitory is 10,2%. Among this, metropolitan universities' rate is 11.5%, but on the other hand regional universities' rate is 10.0. It shows that regional universities' acceptance rate is less than 1.5%.
4. The rate of space distribution classified by sections is that basic facilities 54.7%, supporting facilities 11.12%, and the others 35.18%. Public area is 0.45 of net area and it is less than a general standard, 0.65. In a classification of type, it was checked that corridor system can accept students more than hall system about 1.8 times in the area and 2 times in the bedroom, but corridor system has more public space than hall system about 1.94 times.
5. The required area per person in the gross area is 15.01m2 per person. It is higher than the standard by the Ministry of Education & Human Resources Development. Except of the management building and cooking space, the required area per person in lodging space is 13.28 per person. In a classification of type, corridor system is 12.0m2 per person and hall system is 16.79m2 per person so hall system need more space about 1.4 times.
6. The required area per person in cooking area is 0.97m2 per person including the kitchen, 0.66m2 per person excluding it. The number of seats per person is 0.46 seats per person and cafeteria turnover rate in the number of seats is 2.17 turns. Also the ratio of cafeteria and kitchen is 1:0.45.
7. In the bedroom's module, corridor system is larger than hall system and Unit area of hall system is 68.68m2 per person in the case of three room per 6 person so it needs 11.45m2 per person.
Processing this study, I found that there were cases that some university set up a two story bed after designing for two person and use it for four person in a room in order to accept as many students as possible. Also students extremely run short of studying and rest space by planning only for the lodging.
The required area presented this study is the average value, so it is not absolute thing. Besides, we give advice to you to choose the presented required area as the minimum standard. The investigation is not thoroughgoing enough, but I hope this can be a good guide to device a plan of universities' dormitory.