1 Wahidi MM, "The Montgomery T-tube tracheal stent" 24 : 437-443, 2003
2 Montgomery WW, "T-tube tracheal stent" 82 : 320-321, 1965
3 정현식, "Successful use of i-gel™ in a patient with tracheal stenosis undergoing Montgomery t-tube insertion" 대한마취통증의학회 65 (65): 32-33, 2013
4 Wouters KM, "New approach to anaesthetizing a patient at risk of pulmonary aspiration with a Montgomery T-tube in situ" 101 : 354-357, 2008
5 Guha A, "Kendall JB. The Montgomery T-tube: anaesthetic problems and solutions" 87 : 787-790, 2001
6 Kerai S, "Anesthetic management of a patient with Montgomery t-tube in-situ for direct laryngoscopy" 29 : 105-107, 2013
7 Kulkarni VR, "Anaesthetic challenges of the Montgomery T-tube insertion in a patient with fascioscapulohumeral dystrophy" 49 : 502-504, 2005
8 Joshi S, "A rare case of adult acquired tracheo-oesophageal fistula with sub-glottic stenosis for corrective surgeryan anesthetic challenge" 8 : GD01-GD03, 2014
9 Ní Chonchubhair A, "A novel approach to insertion of the Montgomery T-tube" 49 : 605-607, 1994
1 Wahidi MM, "The Montgomery T-tube tracheal stent" 24 : 437-443, 2003
2 Montgomery WW, "T-tube tracheal stent" 82 : 320-321, 1965
3 정현식, "Successful use of i-gel™ in a patient with tracheal stenosis undergoing Montgomery t-tube insertion" 대한마취통증의학회 65 (65): 32-33, 2013
4 Wouters KM, "New approach to anaesthetizing a patient at risk of pulmonary aspiration with a Montgomery T-tube in situ" 101 : 354-357, 2008
5 Guha A, "Kendall JB. The Montgomery T-tube: anaesthetic problems and solutions" 87 : 787-790, 2001
6 Kerai S, "Anesthetic management of a patient with Montgomery t-tube in-situ for direct laryngoscopy" 29 : 105-107, 2013
7 Kulkarni VR, "Anaesthetic challenges of the Montgomery T-tube insertion in a patient with fascioscapulohumeral dystrophy" 49 : 502-504, 2005
8 Joshi S, "A rare case of adult acquired tracheo-oesophageal fistula with sub-glottic stenosis for corrective surgeryan anesthetic challenge" 8 : GD01-GD03, 2014
9 Ní Chonchubhair A, "A novel approach to insertion of the Montgomery T-tube" 49 : 605-607, 1994