In this paper, I suggest a few ways of labeling small clauses, SO = {XP,YP}, the label of which is to be determined by a more prominent term. As one possibility, I suggest that along with phi-features, the theta-feature of the predicate makes the pred...
In this paper, I suggest a few ways of labeling small clauses, SO = {XP,YP}, the label of which is to be determined by a more prominent term. As one possibility, I suggest that along with phi-features, the theta-feature of the predicate makes the predicate prominent (Cecchetto and Donati 2010). As another, particles like as and for in complex small clauses are regarded as a defective T or a Pred head (Bowers 1993), which provides the small clause with a label T or Pred. I suggest to extend this to labeling of as-less regular small clauses; that is, they involve null-as and receive a label as T or Pred. Also, labeling ambiguity in Chomsky (2013) in regular small clauses is resolved by defining locality in terms of label.