For the acid catalyzed hydrolysis of diethy1 viny1 phosphate and diethy1 isopropeny1 phosphate, the rate constants for diethy1 isopropeny1 phosphate is greater than that for diethy1 viny1 phosphate. Consistently, methy1 group has more effect of electr...
For the acid catalyzed hydrolysis of diethy1 viny1 phosphate and diethy1 isopropeny1 phosphate, the rate constants for diethy1 isopropeny1 phosphate is greater than that for diethy1 viny1 phosphate. Consistently, methy1 group has more effect of electron donating than proton.
Both anionic and cationic detergents enhance the reaction rate respectively. Especially it shows that anionic micelles stabilization between micelles and viny1 phosphates, diethy1 isopropeny1 phosphate is less effective than diethy1 viny1 phosphate because of the steric hindrance.