Recently, just like vector concept, matrix has become the most accepted basic concept all over the modem mathematics and widely applied in almost every field of mathematics. In this paper we have learned about various kinds of method that enable us to...
Recently, just like vector concept, matrix has become the most accepted basic concept all over the modem mathematics and widely applied in almost every field of mathematics. In this paper we have learned about various kinds of method that enable us to get the solution easily, transforming n aproximate number of system of linear equations into the n aporoximate number is bigger.
Generally there are two methods available. One is elemination and the other is iteration, and in this paper I choose elemination because that enable us direct calculation to get aqurate solution.
Elemination has three method such as Gauss elemination, Gauss-Jordan elemination and triangular in this paper I rearched Gauss-Doolittle Technique that made it possible to get solution using consolidation of Gauss elemination and triangular matrix analysis in case coefficient matrix of the system is a symmetry