In the J-PARC (Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex) linac, an energy-upgrade projecthas started to achieve a design beam power of 1 MW at the exit of the downstream synchrotron.
To account for the significant beam parameter upgrades, we will us...
In the J-PARC (Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex) linac, an energy-upgrade projecthas started to achieve a design beam power of 1 MW at the exit of the downstream synchrotron.
To account for the significant beam parameter upgrades, we will use the newly-fabricated beammonitors for the beam commissioning. This paper discusses the design and assembly of the beamposition monitor, phase monitor, current monitor, transverse profile monitor, and beam loss monitorfor the energy-upgraded linac. We periodically installed the newly-fabricated monitors for theupgraded beam line, as well as for longitudinal matching, because of the frequency jump betweenthe original RF cavity and the newly-developed cavity. We employed two debunchers to correctfor momentum spread and jitter. To account for the new debunchers, we fabricated and installedadditional pairs of phase monitors in order to tune the debunchers to the adequate RF set point.
Finally, we propose commissioning plans to support the beam monitor check. We will begin toestablish the 181-MeV operation to confirm the proper functioning of beam monitors. Herein, wewill examine the response to changes of the knobs that control the quadrupole magnets after theenergy upgrade. After proper functioning of the beam monitors is confirmed, we will use the newbeam monitors to establish the 400-MeV acceleration operation.