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      건축물 화재안전등급 인증제도의 도입방안 = A Study on the Introduction of Building Fire-safety Rating Certification

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      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      The form and structure of building connected with human life inextricably are different according to the nations and regions, have changed and developed. The building may enhance the spatial value for human being in using the fire in it. However, if a fire breaks out, it can threaten human life and body and cause damage to property. The state has a duty to prevent outbreak of fire previously, to prepare for extinguishing fire rapidly and to respond to minimize damage in the process of fire fighting.
      For this purpose, laws relevant to fire-fighting have made and operated, such as "Framework Act on Fire Services", "Installation, Maintenance and Safety Control of Fire-Fighting System Act", "Safety Control of Dangerous Substances Act", "Fire-Fighting System Installation Business Act", and "Special Act on the Safety Control of Publicly Used Establishments" etc. Nevertheless, the fire of building and loss of life and property caused by fire have not decreased. Even though fire safety is not a task for government and local government alone, it may be an important task given to state. Therefore, the state should make and modify system in order to strengthen fire management of building protecting life, body and property from the building fire and encourage the building's owner to make efforts to fire safety voluntarily etc.
      In this aspect, this paper is focused to review the fire safety rating certification system on building which can decrease damage caused by building fire, and to analyze compliance of introducing this system in laws relevant to fire-fighting. It is practically difficult that the installation and maintenance standards of building fire safety facilities can be established stronger than requirements of current fire-fighting laws. Asking building's owners to install fire safety equipment excessively high level could restrict his freedom of business. It needs validity and necessity to introduce building fire safety rating certification system, because this is arbitrary system to encourage building's owners and managers to install fire-fighting equipments more than the level required by the fire relevant laws. Building fire safety rating certification requires the legal basis at the request of unified and specialized ability.
      This study examined the specific introduction plan of Building's fire safety rating certification. Specifically, in this study, the issues on designation of certification authority, certification standards, links between new building certification system and existing system, and relationship with building safety certification in the private sector have been showed.

      The form and structure of building connected with human life inextricably are different according to the nations and regions, have changed and developed. The building may enhance the spatial value for human being in using the fire in it. However, if a...

      The form and structure of building connected with human life inextricably are different according to the nations and regions, have changed and developed. The building may enhance the spatial value for human being in using the fire in it. However, if a fire breaks out, it can threaten human life and body and cause damage to property. The state has a duty to prevent outbreak of fire previously, to prepare for extinguishing fire rapidly and to respond to minimize damage in the process of fire fighting.
      For this purpose, laws relevant to fire-fighting have made and operated, such as "Framework Act on Fire Services", "Installation, Maintenance and Safety Control of Fire-Fighting System Act", "Safety Control of Dangerous Substances Act", "Fire-Fighting System Installation Business Act", and "Special Act on the Safety Control of Publicly Used Establishments" etc. Nevertheless, the fire of building and loss of life and property caused by fire have not decreased. Even though fire safety is not a task for government and local government alone, it may be an important task given to state. Therefore, the state should make and modify system in order to strengthen fire management of building protecting life, body and property from the building fire and encourage the building's owner to make efforts to fire safety voluntarily etc.
      In this aspect, this paper is focused to review the fire safety rating certification system on building which can decrease damage caused by building fire, and to analyze compliance of introducing this system in laws relevant to fire-fighting. It is practically difficult that the installation and maintenance standards of building fire safety facilities can be established stronger than requirements of current fire-fighting laws. Asking building's owners to install fire safety equipment excessively high level could restrict his freedom of business. It needs validity and necessity to introduce building fire safety rating certification system, because this is arbitrary system to encourage building's owners and managers to install fire-fighting equipments more than the level required by the fire relevant laws. Building fire safety rating certification requires the legal basis at the request of unified and specialized ability.
      This study examined the specific introduction plan of Building's fire safety rating certification. Specifically, in this study, the issues on designation of certification authority, certification standards, links between new building certification system and existing system, and relationship with building safety certification in the private sector have been showed.


      목차 (Table of Contents)

      • Ⅰ. 들어가는 말
      • Ⅱ. 화재안전관리의 헌법적 정당성
      • Ⅲ. 건축물 화재안전등급 인증의 체계
      • Ⅳ. 맺는 말
      • 참고문헌
      • Ⅰ. 들어가는 말
      • Ⅱ. 화재안전관리의 헌법적 정당성
      • Ⅲ. 건축물 화재안전등급 인증의 체계
      • Ⅳ. 맺는 말
      • 참고문헌
      • Abstract

      참고문헌 (Reference)

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