Dead Man’s Cell Phone, a play written by Sarah Ruhl, depicts changes in the way people recognize themselves and others. It explores the inherent conflicts between human and digital environments by establishing identities along the theme of cyberneti...
Dead Man’s Cell Phone, a play written by Sarah Ruhl, depicts changes in the way people recognize themselves and others. It explores the inherent conflicts between human and digital environments by establishing identities along the theme of cybernetics, characterized by digital integration through “technologies.” This study represents a deliberate attempt to grapple with a specific question of identity from a new perspective and approach developed between human and digital environments: what does it mean to become a “human” in the digital world? To better understand this literary work, it would be essential to define certain terms, including “post-human.” In this study, the term “post-humanism” is defined as the study of the symbiotic relationship between humans and the tools that they create.