1 권택영, "카니발의 의미: 바흐친과 문학의 사회성, 후기 구조주의 문학이론" 민음사 67-85, 1990
2 Palmer, Alan, "The Construction of Fictional Minds" Narrative 10.1 28-46, 2002
3 Friedman, Susan Stanford, "Spatial Poetics and Arundhati Ray's The God of Small Good Things" A Companion to Narrative Theory 192-203,
4 Mitchell, W. T. T., "Medium Theory: Preface to the 2003 Critical Inquiry쟔ymposium." Critical Inquiry 325-483, 2004
5 Merleau-Ponty, Maurice, "Eye and Mind, The Primacy of Perception" Evanston:쟍orthwestern UP 1964
6 Phelan, James, "Estranging Unreliability, Bonding Unreliability, and the Ethics of?Lolita" Narrative 15.2 222-238, 2007
1 권택영, "카니발의 의미: 바흐친과 문학의 사회성, 후기 구조주의 문학이론" 민음사 67-85, 1990
2 Palmer, Alan, "The Construction of Fictional Minds" Narrative 10.1 28-46, 2002
3 Friedman, Susan Stanford, "Spatial Poetics and Arundhati Ray's The God of Small Good Things" A Companion to Narrative Theory 192-203,
4 Mitchell, W. T. T., "Medium Theory: Preface to the 2003 Critical Inquiry쟔ymposium." Critical Inquiry 325-483, 2004
5 Merleau-Ponty, Maurice, "Eye and Mind, The Primacy of Perception" Evanston:쟍orthwestern UP 1964
6 Phelan, James, "Estranging Unreliability, Bonding Unreliability, and the Ethics of?Lolita" Narrative 15.2 222-238, 2007