1 김종연, "서해연안 조간대에 서식하는 두줄망둑(Tridentiger trigonocephalus) 자치어의 먹이생물" 한국수산해양교육학회 28 (28): 180-185, 2016
2 Blaxter JHS, "The feeding of herring larvae and their ecology in relation to feeding" 10 : 79-88, 1965
3 Bowman TE, "The Biology of Crustacea. 1. Systematics, the fossil record, and biography" Academic Press 1-27, 1982
4 Hunter JR, "Report of a colloquium on larval fish mortality studies and their relation to fishery research" NOAA 1-5, 1975
5 Kim CK, "Mathematical approaches related to daily feeding activities of Rock trout, Agrammus agrammus" 24 (24): 273-288, 1991
6 Hoese DF, "Indo-Pacific genera of gobiid fishes" 60-, 1985
7 Yamaji I, "Illustrations of the Marine Plankton of Japan" Hoikusha Publishing Co., Ltd 537-, 1966
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9 Kim JM, "Food of the larval gunnel, Enedrias fangi" 17 : 206-218, 1985
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1 김종연, "서해연안 조간대에 서식하는 두줄망둑(Tridentiger trigonocephalus) 자치어의 먹이생물" 한국수산해양교육학회 28 (28): 180-185, 2016
2 Blaxter JHS, "The feeding of herring larvae and their ecology in relation to feeding" 10 : 79-88, 1965
3 Bowman TE, "The Biology of Crustacea. 1. Systematics, the fossil record, and biography" Academic Press 1-27, 1982
4 Hunter JR, "Report of a colloquium on larval fish mortality studies and their relation to fishery research" NOAA 1-5, 1975
5 Kim CK, "Mathematical approaches related to daily feeding activities of Rock trout, Agrammus agrammus" 24 (24): 273-288, 1991
6 Hoese DF, "Indo-Pacific genera of gobiid fishes" 60-, 1985
7 Yamaji I, "Illustrations of the Marine Plankton of Japan" Hoikusha Publishing Co., Ltd 537-, 1966
8 Okada Y, "Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Fauna of Japan I, II, III" Hokuryukan 679-, 1965
9 Kim JM, "Food of the larval gunnel, Enedrias fangi" 17 : 206-218, 1985
10 Matsushita K, "Food density and rate of feeding larvae of anchovy and sardine in patchy distribution" 54 (54): 401-411, 1988
11 Arthur DK, "Food and feeding of larvae of three fishes occurring in the California Current, Sardinops sagax, Engraulis mordax, and Trachurus symmetricus" 74 (74): 517-530, 1976
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14 Kim JY, "Feeding habits of the Tridentiger trigonocephalus from the coast intertidal zone in the west coast of Korea" 12 : 25-42, 1996
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16 Huh, S.H., "Feeding habits of Acanthogobius flavimanus in the eelgrass (Zostera marina) bed in Kwangyang Bay" 32 (32): 10-17, 1999
17 Kang YJ, "Feeding ecology of the rock trout, Agrammus agrammus" 23 : 1-8, 1983
18 Young JW, "Feeding ecology of larvae of southern bluefin, albacore and skipjack tunas (Pisces: Scombridae) in the eastern Indian Ocean" 61 : 17-29, 1990
19 Choi Y, "Ecology of Synechogobius hasta (Pisces: Gobiidae)in the Kum River Estuary" 29 (29): 115-123, 1996
20 Lee TW, "Early life history of the marine animals, 2. Age, growth and food of Chaenogobius laevis (Steindachner) larvae and juveniles" 22 (22): 332-341, 1989
21 Takagi K, "Distributions and ecology of the gobioid fishes in the Japanese waters" 52 (52): 87-127, 1966
22 Kim CK, "Diets of the Rock Trout, Agrammus agrammus, in the shore Area of Tongbaeksom" 19 (19): 411-422, 1986
23 Jenkins GP, "Comparative diets, prey selection, and predatory impact of co-occurring larvae of two flounder species" 110 : 147-170, 1987