The purpose of this paper is to explain the relationship with ‘X(ha)ta" and ‘Xcanta/ccanta/chanta" Some words which have the form ‘Xcanta/ccanta /chanta" are belonging to psychological verbs or psychological wo...에서 pinyin(병음)방식으로 중국어를 변환할 수 있습니다.
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다운로드다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)
The purpose of this paper is to explain the relationship with ‘X(ha)ta" and ‘Xcanta/ccanta/chanta" Some words which have the form ‘Xcanta/ccanta /chanta" are belonging to psychological verbs or psychological wo...
The purpose of this paper is to explain the relationship with ‘X(ha)ta" and ‘Xcanta/ccanta/chanta" Some words which have the form ‘Xcanta/ccanta /chanta" are belonging to psychological verbs or psychological words. Most of words which called psychological verbs have various grammatical, semantical, morphological features. These words have ambivalent features - adjectives and verbs, actives and non-actives.<BR> Some psychological verbs which has ‘Xcanta/ccanta/chanta" form are derived from ‘X-ta" added negative suffix ‘-(ha)ci anihata". ‘Katcanta, kuichanta, siwonchanta, simsimchanta, phyunchanta" are all psychological verbs but ‘katta, kuihata" are not psychological verbs. ‘Siwonhata, simsimhata, phyunhata" have double functions, oneside is psychological, other side is non-psychological. Even these verbs which have ‘X(ha)ta’ form(some verbs are not psychological, some verbs are partly psychological) are added negative suffix ‘(ha)ci anihata’ , the derived form ‘X (ha)cianihata" doesn´t changed their grammartical category. But ‘X (ha)cianihata" form verbs will be abridged to ‘X (ha)canta/ccanta/chantha", then the verbs will become all psychological verbs. But phyunhata is a psychological verb in original. In this case the derived word ‘phyunchantha" also belonging in psychological verb.<BR> There are semantic gaps between ‘X (ha)canta/chantha" with ‘X(ha)ta" and ‘X-(ha)cianihata". The meaning of psychological verbs with ‘X (ha)canta /chantha" have not only negative meaning but also the third meaning, unexpected meanings. So ‘Katcanta" is derived from ‘katta(same or in a same kind), but the meaning of ‘katcanta" is somgthing or someone ignorable, inferior to speaker´s level. ‘Kuichantha" is come from ‘kuihata(valuable or rarity) but the meaning of "kuichantha" is "bore with or boresome". ‘Siwonhata" has two meanings:one is cool in temperature, the other is satisfied with something or someone, but the menaing of ‘siwonchantha" is ‘below of the level or not satisfied with speaker´s expectations" ‘Pyunchanta" is derived from ‘phyunhata". Phyunhata´s meaning is easiness, but phyunchanta´s meaning is ‘superior´s sickness or uneasiness". ‘Simsimchantha" is come from ‘simsimhata", ‘simsimhata" has two different meanings. one is boring with spent times, another is unsalty. But the meaning of ‘simsimchantha" is ‘often as much as speaker couldn´t feel boring" ‘Hachantha" is come from ‘hata"(it´s meaning is a huge of, a number of), but hachantha´s meaning is ‘worthless, useless".
목차 (Table of Contents)
참고문헌 (Reference)
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박태원 소설에 나타난 연속성과 불연속성(2) - 1960년대 작품을 중심으로
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2002-01-01 | 평가 | 등재후보 1차 PASS (등재후보1차) | |
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학술지 인용정보
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2016 | 0.35 | 0.35 | 0.38 |
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0.47 | 0.43 | 0.724 | 0.11 |