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    RISS 인기검색어


      『춘추』에서 신뢰 개념과 정치적 이상



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      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      The purpose of Confucius compilation of Ch-chiu春秋 would lie in making its model through the evaluation of historical events and man s act of that period on the basis of the standard of li(propriety 禮). When this intention being contemplated, it...

      The purpose of Confucius compilation of Ch-chiu春秋 would lie in making its model through the evaluation of historical events and man s act of that period on the basis of the standard of li(propriety 禮). When this intention being contemplated, it must be very significant that we study the Chun-Chiu in point of view of confidence. So, this essay intends to elucidate the meaning of confidence as a Confucian morality, which was offered in the Ch-Chiu Tso-chan . In the Chun-Chiu Tso-chuan, the concept of confidence can be defined as a several meaning.
      At first, the term of confidence in this book means the ruler or people s self-confidence of Confucian morality which they must internalize or cultivate in the mind. Here the Chun-Chiu Tso-ch made emphasis on the belief of the re德, and understand it to encompass such a concrete item of Confucian virtue as benevolence and righteotlsness, rite and music, faithfulness and reciprocity, filial piety and reverence, modesty. And the te is not only the ultimate criterion through which the rulers are endowed with the authority fro Heaven and govern the state, but also is regarded as more mighty power than anything.
      On the other hand, the Chun-Chiu Tso-chuan makes the composing elements of confidence. That is to say, the relation of confidence between state and state, or person and p e m can be accomplished through the li禮. In the Chun-Chiu Tso-chuan, the li禮 is interpreted as the unchangeable law of nature, and defmed as that which man must obey in the actual process of model emulation. This li is founded on justices as the universal rationality, and becomes the primary structure through which rulers achive the harmony of all state and establish the relation of confidence.
      In the Chun-Chiu Tso-chuan, the meaning of confidence also permeates into the transcendental realm of Heaven In other word, the ruler can obtain the confidence from people because Heaven bestows the soveregin on him. The people believe in the decree of Heaven because it is morally just and prize and penalty by it concur with the moral righteousness or mistake of human act. In case of Chun-Chiu Tso-chuan, the relation among the Heaven, the son of Heaven, prince, subject and people is connected with the organic and reciprocally restricted circularity trough the medium of confidence. And it also composes of an important meaning of confidence that the subject confirms to the decree of soveregin.
      Moreover, the confidence makes harmony and stability maintain among the states, and it protects the people and makes them enjoy a peaceful life. And in the Spring and Automn period, several prince's states planed a great many meeting or covenant, and concluded a friendly treaty with one another. Such affairs as meeting, covenant or treaty also were that time an important method for maintenance of confidence. In the last analysis, it can be said that the confidence in the Chun-Chiu Tso-chuan be kept up through the intentional endeavor for political order on the bask of Confucian moral and the rule of propriety.


      목차 (Table of Contents)

      • 1. 머리말
      • 2. 신뢰의 바탕으로서 德性과 仁義
      • 3. 신뢰의 척도로서 禮의 의의
      • 4. 신뢰의 초월적 근거와 정치적 유대의식
      • 5. 맺음말
      • 1. 머리말
      • 2. 신뢰의 바탕으로서 德性과 仁義
      • 3. 신뢰의 척도로서 禮의 의의
      • 4. 신뢰의 초월적 근거와 정치적 유대의식
      • 5. 맺음말
      • 參考文獻
      • Abstract

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