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      우리나라 기후기술협력 프로세스 상 젠더 주류화 전략 연구: 유엔기후변화협약 하에서 기후기술과 젠더 주류화 현황 분석에 기반하여 = Research on Korea’s Gender Mainstreaming Strategies for Climate Technology Cooperation: Analysis of Gender Mainstreaming Efforts Under the UNFCCC



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      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      The issue of gender equality was introduced to the global arena in 1995 at the 4th World Conference on Women. Since then, the United Nations has pursued gender mainstreaming as an instrument to integrate gender perspectives into policy formulation, im...

      The issue of gender equality was introduced to the global arena in 1995 at the 4th World Conference on Women. Since then, the United Nations has pursued gender mainstreaming as an instrument to integrate gender perspectives into policy formulation, implementation, and evaluation toward gender equality. In the area of climate change, it has been recognized that gender inequality not only exacerbates the vulnerability of women to climate change, but also negatively influences the effectiveness of global action to combat climate change. Thus, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) has employed gender mainstreaming strategies since 2014 to galvanize the gender-mainstreaming actions of both parties to the UNFCCC and its constituted bodies. This paper discusses the gender mainstreaming strategies of two constituted bodies of the UNFCCC, the Climate Technology Centre & Network (CTCN) and the Green Climate Fund (GCF), designed to provide technology support to developing countries. These constituted bodies have mainstreamed gender perspectives in their governance and project implementation processes. Korea has been in collaboration with the CTCN and the GCF in its efforts to support developing countries in terms of climate technology development and transfer on the basis of the Global Climate Technology Cooperation Strategy established in 2018. In 2020, Korea plans to revise this plan considering the gender-mainstreaming efforts of the CTCN and the GCF. Therefore, this paper attempts to analyze the gender mainstreaming efforts of the CTCN and the GCF based on the gender-mainstreaming frame, with gender elements required at each stage of the project cycles. The analytical result shows that the CTCN and the GCF reflect gender elements required for each stage of a project cycle. Though the CTCN and the GCF have some differences and require further refinement in their gender-mainstreaming efforts, they provide policy implications for mainstreaming gender perspectives in the Korean climate technology cooperation strategy.


      참고문헌 (Reference)

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      1 이혜숙, "지방선거 여성후보자의 성격과 선거과정: 2014년 6.4 지방선거 경남지역 여성후보자를 중심으로" 한국여성학회 32 (32): 47-99, 2016

      2 황정미, "젠더 관점에서 본 민주화 이후의 민주주의: 공공 페미니즘과 정체성 정치" 비판사회학회 (114) : 18-51, 2017

      3 이수연, "일-가정 양립제도와 경력개발에 대한 구조적 탐색 : 고학력 기혼 여성을 중심으로" 한국여성정책연구원 103 (103): 31-60, 2019

      4 윤자영, "육아휴직제도의 여성 고용 효과: 정액제에서 정률제 급여제도로의 변화를 중심으로" 한국노동연구원 14 (14): 31-57, 2014

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      6 김양희, "성주류화 관점에서 본 한국 ODA 사업의 실행" 한국정책학회 26 (26): 95-120, 2017

      7 박지영, "선거구제와 여성대표성: 기초의회 여성의원을 중심으로" 한국지방행정연구원 30 (30): 205-238, 2016

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      65 UN, "Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action"

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      68 UNFCCC, "Add. Decision 36/CP.7. Improving the participation of women in the representation of Parties in bodies established under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocol"

      69 UNFCCC, "Add. Decision 3/CP.25. Enhanced Lima work programme on gender and its gender action plan"

      70 UNFCCC, "Add. Decision 3/CP.23. Establishment of a gender action plan"

      71 UNFCCC, "Add. Decision 23/CP.18. Promoting gender balance and improving the participation of women in UNFCCC negotiations and in the representation of Parties in bodies established pursuant to the Convention or the Kyoto Protocol"

      72 UNFCCC, "Add. Decision 21/CP.22. Gender and climate change"

      73 UNFCCC, "Add. Decision 2/CP.17. Outcome of the work of the Ad Hoc Working Group on Long-term Cooperative Action under the Convention"

      74 UNFCCC, "Add. Decision 18/CP.20. Lima work programme on gender"

      75 UNFCCC, "Add. Decision 14/CP.18. Arrangements to make the Climate Technology Centre and Network fully operational"

      76 UNFCCC, "Add. Decision 1/CP.16. The Cancun Agreements: Outcome of the work of the Ad Hoc Working Group on Long-term Cooperative Action under the Convention"

      77 UNFCCC, "Achieving the goal of gender balance:Technical paper by the secretariat"

      78 GISTER, "Accomplishments of GISTER"

      79 CTCN, "About the Climate Technology Centre and Network"

      80 IISD, "A Framework for Gender-Responsive National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Processes"

      81 PACST, "2030 Global Climate Technology Cooperation Strategy"















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