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1 이은하, "한국인의 흡연과 사망 위험에 관한 코호트 연구" 대한예방의학회 43 (43): 151-158, 2010
2 Van den Brandt PA, "The impact of a Mediterranean diet and healthy lifestyle on premature mortality in men and women" 94 (94): 913-920, 2011
3 Shin MH, "The effect of coffee consumption on serum total cholesterol level in healthy middle-aged men" 27 (27): 200-216, 1994
4 Paffenbarger RS Jr, "The association of changes in physicalactivity level and other lifestyle characteristics with mortality among men" 328 (328): 538-545, 1993
5 Jee SH, "Smoking-attributable mortality among Korean adults: 1981-2003" 28 (28): 92-99, 2006
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