The present study was carried out to investigate the potential acute toxicity of derived product of waste plastic recycling system by a single oral dose in sprague-dawley rats. Waste plastic recycling technology is transforming from incineration syste...
The present study was carried out to investigate the potential acute toxicity of derived product of waste plastic recycling system by a single oral dose in sprague-dawley rats. Waste plastic recycling technology is transforming from incineration system to waste plastic recycling system which can derive the resources from environmental waste and charge no more environmental burden to nature. We could not find out any significant tocxicity induced by single oral administrate of material of pyrolysis system for recycling of waste plastic. The results showed that the single oral administration of material of waste plastic recycling system did not induce any toxic effect at orally single dose level of 0 and 100, 200, 400, 800mg/kg body weight in rats.