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      특집. 동아시아 문학 속 상인형상 : 조선후기(朝鮮後期) 야담(野談)에 나타난 상인(商人)의 범주(範疇)와 상인(商人) 형상(形象)의 변모 과정 = Changes in The Image of Merchants and Merchant Category Represented in Yadam of the late Chosun Dynasty



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      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      This paper studies diachronically the image of merchants represented in Yadam works 野談集 of the 17th-18th century in the Late Chosun Dynasty, and examines how had been changed earning money and business management of merchants represented in Yadam literary. For this, this paper set the two concept of merchant, a broder concept implied a merchant with a side job and a narrow concept indicated only a full-time merchant. From『於于野談』Eowoo-Yadam in 17th century to 『天倪錄』Cheonyerok,『鶴山閑言』 Haksanhaneon, 『東稗洛誦』Dongpairoksong,『橋漫錄』Sabkyomanrok in 18th century, this paper summarizes the image of merchants represented in it and illuminates diverse types of merchants who take up a sideline in the traditional era. This paper also exposes three changes in the image of merchant and trade: First, from merchants with a side job who earn money accidentally and temporarily to full-time merchants who make property methodically. Second, from a merchant who earn money by oneself to merchant who do that with many assistant and partner and distribute earnings equitably. Third, in terms of trading area, from doing an international business with china to doing an interior trade. 『鶴山閑言』 Haksanhaneon is especially worthy of notice, in which the image of the first merchant in the true meaning of the word have appeared. And 『橋漫錄』Sabkyomanrok is also especially worthy of notice in that have appeared many of merchant who doing an interior trade and a various type of separation of investors and businessman in it. I think that it reflects the expension and growing of the commercial trade in that times for historic changes in the image of merchant and trade represented in Yadam works 野談集of the 17th-18th century.

      This paper studies diachronically the image of merchants represented in Yadam works 野談集 of the 17th-18th century in the Late Chosun Dynasty, and examines how had been changed earning money and business management of merchants represented in Yada...

      This paper studies diachronically the image of merchants represented in Yadam works 野談集 of the 17th-18th century in the Late Chosun Dynasty, and examines how had been changed earning money and business management of merchants represented in Yadam literary. For this, this paper set the two concept of merchant, a broder concept implied a merchant with a side job and a narrow concept indicated only a full-time merchant. From『於于野談』Eowoo-Yadam in 17th century to 『天倪錄』Cheonyerok,『鶴山閑言』 Haksanhaneon, 『東稗洛誦』Dongpairoksong,『橋漫錄』Sabkyomanrok in 18th century, this paper summarizes the image of merchants represented in it and illuminates diverse types of merchants who take up a sideline in the traditional era. This paper also exposes three changes in the image of merchant and trade: First, from merchants with a side job who earn money accidentally and temporarily to full-time merchants who make property methodically. Second, from a merchant who earn money by oneself to merchant who do that with many assistant and partner and distribute earnings equitably. Third, in terms of trading area, from doing an international business with china to doing an interior trade. 『鶴山閑言』 Haksanhaneon is especially worthy of notice, in which the image of the first merchant in the true meaning of the word have appeared. And 『橋漫錄』Sabkyomanrok is also especially worthy of notice in that have appeared many of merchant who doing an interior trade and a various type of separation of investors and businessman in it. I think that it reflects the expension and growing of the commercial trade in that times for historic changes in the image of merchant and trade represented in Yadam works 野談集of the 17th-18th century.


      참고문헌 (Reference) 논문관계도

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      2 류홍렬, "허생이야기’의 변이양상에 대한 연구" 先淸語文 (28), 2000

      3 임형택, "한문단편 형성과정에서의 강담사: 許生故事와 尹映" 창작과비평 (49), 1978

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      6 이강옥, "초기 야담집 ?학산한언?의 서사지향 연구 : 현실지향과 비현실지향" 구비문학연구 (17) : 333 ~ 382, 2003

      7 진재교, "천예록의 작자와 저작연대" 계간 서지학보 17, 1996

      8 김영진, "조선후기 사대부의 야담 창작과 향유의 일양상: 盧命欽·盧競 부자와 풍산 洪鳳漢家와의 관계를 중심으로" 어문논집 37, 1998

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      2 류홍렬, "허생이야기’의 변이양상에 대한 연구" 先淸語文 (28), 2000

      3 임형택, "한문단편 형성과정에서의 강담사: 許生故事와 尹映" 창작과비평 (49), 1978

      4 이경우, "한국야담의 문학성 연구" 국학자료원, 1997

      5 정명기, "한국 야담자료 집성(전23책)" 계명문화사, 1992

      6 이강옥, "초기 야담집 ?학산한언?의 서사지향 연구 : 현실지향과 비현실지향" 구비문학연구 (17) : 333 ~ 382, 2003

      7 진재교, "천예록의 작자와 저작연대" 계간 서지학보 17, 1996

      8 김영진, "조선후기 사대부의 야담 창작과 향유의 일양상: 盧命欽·盧競 부자와 풍산 洪鳳漢家와의 관계를 중심으로" 어문논집 37, 1998

      9 이강옥, "조선시대 일화연구" 태학사, 1997

      10 홍희유, "조선상업사(원시~중세편)" 사회과학출판사, 2012

      11 이우성, "이조한문단편집(상·중·하)" 일조각, 1973

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      14 임형택, "박지원문학연구" 창작과비평사, 2001

      15 오금성, "명청시대사회경제사" 이산, 2007

      16 민족문화추진회, "국역 대동야승" 전17책, 1971~1975, 1975

      17 辛敦復, "鶴山閑言" 野乘本, 1984

      18 許筠, "鶴山樵談" 探求堂, 1969

      19 "魏書"

      20 "高麗史" 1990

      21 박용식, "韓國野談史話集成(전5책)" 태동, 1990

      22 李源命, "韓國文獻說話全集影印本(서울대 규장각본)" 民族文化社, 1981

      23 "靑邱野談, 栖碧外史海外蒐佚本(버클리대본)" 아세아문화사, 1985

      24 安錫儆, "霅橋集(전3책), 栖碧外史海外蒐佚本(동양문고 소장본)" 아세아문화사, 1985

      25 "隋書"

      26 "陳書"

      27 "金史"

      28 "野乘, 장서각본"

      29 "遼史"

      30 申 欽, "象村雜錄" 大東野乘本,

      31 曺伸, "謏聞瑣錄" 大東野乘本,

      32 金鎭均, "許生 실재인물설의 전개와 「許生傳」의 근대적 재인식" 대동문화연구 (62) : 263 ~ 294, 2008

      33 金鑢, "藫庭遺藁" 한국문집총간본,

      34 "舊唐書" 1975

      35 "舊五代史"

      36 "管子"

      37 魚叔權, "稗官雜記" 大東野乘本,

      38 趙秀三, "秋齋集" 한국문집총간본, 1939

      39 李仁老, "破閑集" 국립중앙도서관본(B2古朝44-가52),

      40 尹國馨, "甲辰漫錄" 大東野乘本,

      41 김종철, "玉匣夜話 이해의 시각" 先淸語文 28, 2000

      42 朴趾源, "燕巖集" 한국문집총간본,

      43 이가원, "燕巖小說硏究" 乙酉文化社, 1965

      44 "漢書" 1962

      45 "清史稿"

      46 李濟臣, "淸江先生鯸鯖瑣語" 大東野乘本,

      47 蔡濟恭, "樊巖集" 한국문집총간본,

      48 "梁書" 1973

      49 이우성, "栖碧外史海外蒐佚本" 아세아문화사, 1985

      50 盧明欽, "栖碧外史海外蒐佚本" 아세아문화사, 1990

      51 李德泂, "松都記異" 大東野乘本,

      52 이원명, "東野彙輯(상·하)" 보고사, 1992

      53 金貴榮, "東園集" 한국문집총간본, 1594

      54 "朝鮮王朝實錄" 1970

      55 김태준, "朝鮮漢文學史" 조선어문학회, 1931

      56 김태준, "朝鮮小說史" 學藝社, 1939

      57 "晉書" 1987

      58 李建昌, "明美堂集" 한국문집총간본,

      59 "明史" 1966

      60 柳夢寅, "於于野譚" 만종재본,

      61 "新唐書" 1987

      62 "新元史"

      63 "新五代史"

      64 洪聖民, "拙翁集" 한국문집총간본,

      65 成 俔, "慵齋叢話" 大東野乘本,

      66 申靖夏, "恕菴集" 한국문집총간본,

      67 "後漢書" 1987

      68 동국대학교 한국문학연구소, "影印本, 전10책" 民族文化社; 태학사, 1991

      69 "宋書"

      70 "宋史"

      71 任埅, "天倪錄" 天理大本,

      72 "大東野乘 전13책" 서울大學校出版部, 1968

      73 "大東野乘 朝鮮古書刊行會本" 활자본, 1907~1910,

      74 "周書"

      75 "史記" 1982

      76 宋申用, "古今笑叢"

      77 宋世琳, "古今笑叢" 民俗學刊行會, 1958

      78 民俗學資料刊行委員會, "古今笑叢" 民俗學刊行會 : 4291 ~, 1958

      79 "南齊書"

      80 "南史"

      81 "北齊書"

      82 "北史"

      83 "元史"

      84 車天輅, "五山說林草藁" 大東野乘本,

      85 "三國志"

      86 "三國史記"

      87 이현식, "『옥갑야화』, 교역 대상으로서의 청나라에 관한 이야기" 고전문학연구 (33) : 257 ~ 290, 2008

      88 김상조, "≪학산한언≫ 연구" 國文學報 13, 1995

      89 강옥, "≪천예록≫의 서술방식과 서사 의식" 한국야담연구, 2006

      90 박경남, "‘행운’과 ‘기회’의 땅으로서의 중국-16․17세기 對中國貿易 관련 野談에 형상화된 중국의 이미지-" 한문학논집(漢文學論集) 37 : 189 ~ 217, 2013















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