This paper considers finding the meaning of discourse of speed within Korean modern poetry through studying some poems which show the imagery of ``speed`` and ``slow``. This work is related to the mechanism of speed which goes through modern and moder...
This paper considers finding the meaning of discourse of speed within Korean modern poetry through studying some poems which show the imagery of ``speed`` and ``slow``. This work is related to the mechanism of speed which goes through modern and modern poetry in Korea. This mechanism is all the rage in modernism and modernity of nowadays Korean poetry which has a temporal context of speed and slow. Thus consideration of tracing individual poets` thoughts and the changing aspects of subjects of cognition is essential work and the basis of this work as well. From modern period till the present the discourse of sepeed is in core of the most advanced technology and most poets should admit this aspect. Moreover, the discourse of speed within Korean modern and contemporary history, or more specifically within Korean modern and modern poetry could be another frame to understand human history and the history of civilization, also a frame to read Korean modernism and its modernity. Thus this paper aims to trace the methods and meanings of individual poets who cognize the discourse of speed within Korean modernism and its modernity of the poems which show poetic imagery of speed. This work has some meanings of genealogy of speed included in Korean modern and modern poetry, and it could be completed in considering the works of individual poets and its diachronic flow as well.