Why so many civilians were killed during the Korean War? In this paper, i want to examine and understand this phenomenon as process, features and results of civil war rather than see it through ‘transitional Justice’ perspective. Nowadays, most...
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다운로드다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)
Why so many civilians were killed during the Korean War? In this paper, i want to examine and understand this phenomenon as process, features and results of civil war rather than see it through ‘transitional Justice’ perspective. Nowadays, most...
Why so many civilians were killed during the Korean War? In this paper, i want to examine and understand this phenomenon as process, features and results of civil war rather than see it through ‘transitional Justice’ perspective.
Nowadays, most of war is not inter-state war, but civil war. Civil war generalized during the 20th century, because the european modernity which limited war as inert-state war between two sovereign states, has collapsed by two World War. Especially, during the cold war period, civil wars, guerrilla wars and irregular wars were universalized and core states have intervened to peripheral state’s nation building process and their civil war. As western powers intervened to post colonial state, counter insurgency technique and state of exception was institutionalized to suppress revolutionary civil war. And 20th century’s war have becomes gradually a genocidal war in which targeted civilians.
Civilian massacres which occurred during around the Korean war can be categorized by several types which related each types of civil war.
First, there were already civil war situation in which several thousands of civilians killed by nation-building or counter insurgency operation between 1946 and 1948. In this time, illegal and unconstitutional martial law which has no ground and authority declared, and summary executions happened everywhere, and the korean constabulary was created to suppress mass riots.
Second, this situation continued at Jiri-mountain area for six years (1949-1955), as rebels and people who joined to them entered the mountain. Irregular warfare and counter partisan operation started and many civilians massacred by military and polices who considered people as collaborators.
Third, systemic mass killing of the national guidance alliance during early phase of the Korean war was caused by institutionalized civil war or ‘state of exception’. They were regarded as political prisoners and enemy who tergiversated by military intelligence agency and military police.
Lastly, mass killing of so called ‘collaborators’ at late 1950, was performed by mass and para-military youth organization which politically mobilized by government and legal system.
In western society, the history of civil war was history of revolution which created modern world, however, for us, civil war was remained as war which wasn’t authorized as interstate war, as nation-buinding which intervened by western powers, as suppressed social revolution and civillian masscres. Therefore, to understand civil war will be reflection about something supressed, boundaries which was created or collapsed by civil war.
목차 (Table of Contents)
참고문헌 (Reference)
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