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      근대 여명기 일본의 조선정책과 宮本小一 = The Diplomatic Policy of Japan toward Korea in the Early Modern Era and Miyamoto Okadzu



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      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      This article re-examines the diplomatic policy of Japan toward Korea in the early modern era. The previous interpretation was fixed by TabohashI Kiyoshi, the leading authority on the period. According to Tabohashi, the diplomatic policy was executed by hard-liners who insisted on strong diplomacy like 〈Seikanron〉. The moderate-liners who insisted on the maintenance of the status quo were dismissed in Tabohashi’s research. Deliberately or not, researchers afterward have not paid attention to the moderate-liners either. Therefore, inevitably my research object is focused on the moderate policies which were insisted on by Miyamoto Okadzu. I clarify that it was Miyamoto who planned the most moderate diplomatic policy of Japan toward Korea from the establishment of Gaimusho (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) to the making the treaty of Ganghwado island. At the end of the year when the Gaimusho was established (1869), Miyamoto drafted 〈Chosenron〉. It was extremely moderate and can be described as a ‘hands-off’ policy. It was a policy that could be accepted easily by the Korean court. Although there existed a fanatically strong policy like 〈Seikanron〉, it was chiefly the moderate one that was executed. It is very important that it was not a strong policy but a moderate one which was insisted on by Miyamoto after 1869 to have concluded the treaty of Ganghwado island. Negotiation on the treaty was extremely moderate and passive because it was initiated by Miyamoto. Finally I also clarify that it was Miyamoto who planned and executed the appendix to the Ganghwado treaty. Therefore, negotiation on the appendix was also a moderate one. But there was a big problem of legation and a diplomatic agent. The problem was introduced by Enomoto Takeaki who had an idea of power politics based on the British style and the application of international law. Japanese diplomacy since the end of 1876 was converted from the moderate diplomacy of Miyamoto to the strong diplomacy of Enomoto and Hanabusa Yoshimoto.

      This article re-examines the diplomatic policy of Japan toward Korea in the early modern era. The previous interpretation was fixed by TabohashI Kiyoshi, the leading authority on the period. According to Tabohashi, the diplomatic policy was executed b...

      This article re-examines the diplomatic policy of Japan toward Korea in the early modern era. The previous interpretation was fixed by TabohashI Kiyoshi, the leading authority on the period. According to Tabohashi, the diplomatic policy was executed by hard-liners who insisted on strong diplomacy like 〈Seikanron〉. The moderate-liners who insisted on the maintenance of the status quo were dismissed in Tabohashi’s research. Deliberately or not, researchers afterward have not paid attention to the moderate-liners either. Therefore, inevitably my research object is focused on the moderate policies which were insisted on by Miyamoto Okadzu. I clarify that it was Miyamoto who planned the most moderate diplomatic policy of Japan toward Korea from the establishment of Gaimusho (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) to the making the treaty of Ganghwado island. At the end of the year when the Gaimusho was established (1869), Miyamoto drafted 〈Chosenron〉. It was extremely moderate and can be described as a ‘hands-off’ policy. It was a policy that could be accepted easily by the Korean court. Although there existed a fanatically strong policy like 〈Seikanron〉, it was chiefly the moderate one that was executed. It is very important that it was not a strong policy but a moderate one which was insisted on by Miyamoto after 1869 to have concluded the treaty of Ganghwado island. Negotiation on the treaty was extremely moderate and passive because it was initiated by Miyamoto. Finally I also clarify that it was Miyamoto who planned and executed the appendix to the Ganghwado treaty. Therefore, negotiation on the appendix was also a moderate one. But there was a big problem of legation and a diplomatic agent. The problem was introduced by Enomoto Takeaki who had an idea of power politics based on the British style and the application of international law. Japanese diplomacy since the end of 1876 was converted from the moderate diplomacy of Miyamoto to the strong diplomacy of Enomoto and Hanabusa Yoshimoto.


      목차 (Table of Contents)

      • 서론
      • Ⅰ. 宮本의 〈朝鮮論〉
      • Ⅱ. 유신정부의 조선정책과 강화도사건
      • Ⅲ. 宮本의 조선정책과 강화도조약
      • Ⅳ. 〈부속조약〉의 체결과 宮本외교
      • 서론
      • Ⅰ. 宮本의 〈朝鮮論〉
      • Ⅱ. 유신정부의 조선정책과 강화도사건
      • Ⅲ. 宮本의 조선정책과 강화도조약
      • Ⅳ. 〈부속조약〉의 체결과 宮本외교
      • 결어

      참고문헌 (Reference)

      1 제홍일, "서향융성과 정한론정변" 44 : 1993

      2 제홍일, "대조선정책에 대한 榎本武揚 書翰, in 對外觀" 44-47,

      3 윤소영, "韓日修好條規의 역사적 위치" 한일관계사학회 18 (18): 129-170, 2003

      4 田保橋, "近代日鮮關係の硏究 下"

      5 田保橋潔, "近代日鮮關係の硏究 上·下" 朝鮮総督府中枢院 1940

      6 田保橋, "近代日鮮關係の硏究 上" 121-128,

      7 金義煥, "近代日鮮關係の硏究 の著述刊行の動機とその内容について" 88 : 1978

      8 坂野政高, "近代中国政治外交史" 東大出版会 597-, 1973

      9 黒流会編, "西南紀伝" 黒流会本部 1908

      10 板垣退助, "自由党史" 五車楼 1910

      1 제홍일, "서향융성과 정한론정변" 44 : 1993

      2 제홍일, "대조선정책에 대한 榎本武揚 書翰, in 對外觀" 44-47,

      3 윤소영, "韓日修好條規의 역사적 위치" 한일관계사학회 18 (18): 129-170, 2003

      4 田保橋, "近代日鮮關係の硏究 下"

      5 田保橋潔, "近代日鮮關係の硏究 上·下" 朝鮮総督府中枢院 1940

      6 田保橋, "近代日鮮關係の硏究 上" 121-128,

      7 金義煥, "近代日鮮關係の硏究 の著述刊行の動機とその内容について" 88 : 1978

      8 坂野政高, "近代中国政治外交史" 東大出版会 597-, 1973

      9 黒流会編, "西南紀伝" 黒流会本部 1908

      10 板垣退助, "自由党史" 五車楼 1910

      11 "百官履歷 下" 일본사적협회 396-400, 1928

      12 高橋秀直, "江華條約と明治政府" 37 : 1998

      13 吉田俊純, "水戸学と明治維新" 吉川弘文館 2003

      14 東方学会, "東方学回想4 先学を語る" 刀水書房 2000

      15 "木戶孝允日記 第一" 159-161,

      16 "木戶孝允文書 第三" 230-234,

      17 原田環, "朝鮮の開国と近代化" 渓水社 1997

      18 彭澤周, "明治初期日淸韓關係の硏究" 塙書房 1969

      19 "明治初期日朝関係の再編と対馬" 116 : 1996

      20 "明治初期の朝鮮政策と江華島条約-宮本小一を中心に" 札幌学院大学 81 : 2007

      21 "明治初期における日朝交渉の放棄と倭館" 6 : 1997

      22 毛利敏彦, "明治六年政変の研究" 有斐閣 1978

      23 毛利敏彦, "明治六年政変" 中公新書 1979

      24 "明治五年花房義質の朝鮮派遣について. 1995~1996年度科学研究費補助金(基盤研究C-2)研究成果報告書" 1997

      25 제홍일, "明治五年花房義質の朝鮮派遣について"

      26 제홍일, "明治6年の征韓論争と西郷隆盛" 655 : 2002

      27 內村鑑三, "日淸戰爭の義" 岩波書店 3 : 1982

      28 외무성, "日本外交年表竝主要文書" 原書房 62-63, 1965

      29 井上淸, "日本の軍國主義 2" 現代評論社 1975

      30 제홍일, "日使文字"

      31 "日使文字" 서울대학교 규장각 소장

      32 이현희, "征韓論의 背景과 影響" 大旺社 1986

      33 煙山専太郎, "征韓論実相" 早稲田大学出版部 1907

      34 菊田貞雄, "征韓論の真相と其影響" 東京日日新聞社 1941

      35 井上清, "征韓論と軍国主義の確立, in 日本の軍国主義" 東京大学出版会 1953

      36 原平三, "征韓論と明治6年10月の政変" 35 : 1936

      37 田中惚五郎, "征韓論·西南戦争" 白揚社 1939

      38 "廃藩置県後の国際関係と朝鮮政策" 133 : 1996

      39 田中正弘, "幕末維新期の社会変革と群像" 吉川弘文舘 2008

      40 沈箕載, "幕末維新日朝外交史の硏究" 臨川書店 1997

      41 横山伊徳, "幕末維新と外交" 吉川弘文館 2001

      42 大山梓編, "山縣有朋意見書" 原書房 132-, 1966

      43 伊藤之雄, "山縣有朋" 文藝春秋 130-, 2009

      44 岡本隆司, "屬國と自主のあいだ" 名古屋大学出版会 2004

      45 芝原拓自, "對外觀" 岩波書店 14-, 1988

      46 제홍일, "對外觀" 319-414,

      47 "宮本大丞理事始末"

      48 "大日本外交文書, 第二卷第二冊" 858-865,

      49 외무성조사부, "大日本外交文書" 일본국제협회 1940

      50 "大久保利通日記 下" 205-,

      51 "大久保利通文書 5" 일본사적협회 86-, 1928

      52 "外交 9"

      53 "外交 8"

      54 "外交 7"

      55 "外交 3"

      56 後藤靖, "士族反乱の研究" 青木書店 1967

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      59 제홍일, "<癸酉政変>後の日朝交渉"

      60 "<癸酉政変>後の日朝交渉" 621 : 2000

      61 田村貞雄, "<征韓論>政變の史料批判" 615 : 1991

      62 이태진, "1876년의 강화도조약의 명암" 36 : 132-133, 2005

      63 大島明子, "1873年のシビリアンコントロール:征韓論政変における軍と政治" 117 (117): 2008


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