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3 현재석, "당유자 과피 발효물의 플라보노이드 성분 변화 및 항산화 활성" 한국식품영양과학회 38 (38): 1310-1316, 2009
4 Lee, D. I., "Studies on the Anti-inflammatory and Analgesic Activities of Ohyaksungisan" 27 : 184-189, 1966
5 Davis, J. B., "Protein kinase C activation inhibits glutamate-induced cytotoxicity in a neuronal cell line" 652 (652): 169-173, 1994
6 Satoh, T., "Oxygen toxicity induces apoptosis in neuronal cells" 18 (18): 649-666, 1998
7 Coyle, J. T., "Oxidative stress, glutamate, and neurodegenerative disorders" 262 : 689-695, 1993
8 Liu, J., "HT22 hippocampal neuronal cell line possesses functional cholinergic properties" 84 (84): 267-271, 2009
9 Choi, D. W., "Glutamate neurotoxicity and diseases of the nervous system" 1 : 623-634, 1998
10 Smith, C. D., "Excess brain protein oxidation and enzyme dysfunction in normal aging and in Alzheimer disease" 88 (88): 10540-10543, 1991
1 차재영, "한방 생약재 발효액의 항산화 활성 및 tyrosinase 저해 활성" 한국생명과학회 20 (20): 940-947, 2010
2 도은수, "발효인삼의 Ginsenoside 변화와 항산화 활성" 한국약용작물학회 18 (18): 255-265, 2010
3 현재석, "당유자 과피 발효물의 플라보노이드 성분 변화 및 항산화 활성" 한국식품영양과학회 38 (38): 1310-1316, 2009
4 Lee, D. I., "Studies on the Anti-inflammatory and Analgesic Activities of Ohyaksungisan" 27 : 184-189, 1966
5 Davis, J. B., "Protein kinase C activation inhibits glutamate-induced cytotoxicity in a neuronal cell line" 652 (652): 169-173, 1994
6 Satoh, T., "Oxygen toxicity induces apoptosis in neuronal cells" 18 (18): 649-666, 1998
7 Coyle, J. T., "Oxidative stress, glutamate, and neurodegenerative disorders" 262 : 689-695, 1993
8 Liu, J., "HT22 hippocampal neuronal cell line possesses functional cholinergic properties" 84 (84): 267-271, 2009
9 Choi, D. W., "Glutamate neurotoxicity and diseases of the nervous system" 1 : 623-634, 1998
10 Smith, C. D., "Excess brain protein oxidation and enzyme dysfunction in normal aging and in Alzheimer disease" 88 (88): 10540-10543, 1991
11 Braun, S., "Dexamethasone-enhanced sensitivity of mouse hippocampal HT22 cells for oxidative stress is associated with the suppression of nuclear factor-kappaB" 295 (295): 101-104, 2000