Circadian rhythm regulates physiological cycles of awareness and sleepiness. Melatoninproduction is primarily regulated by circadian regulation of gene expression and is involved insleep homeostasis. If the circadian rhythm is abnormal, sleep disorder...
Circadian rhythm regulates physiological cycles of awareness and sleepiness. Melatoninproduction is primarily regulated by circadian regulation of gene expression and is involved insleep homeostasis. If the circadian rhythm is abnormal, sleep disorders, such as insomnia andseveral other diseases, can occur. The term ‘autism spectrum disorder (ASD)’ is used tocharacterize people who exhibit a certain set of repetitive behaviors, severely constrainedinterests, social deficits, and/or sensory behaviors that start very early in life. Because manypatients with ASD suffer from sleep disorders, sleep disorders and melatonin dysregulation areattracting attention for their potential roles in ASD. ASD is caused by abnormalities during theneurodevelopmental processes owing to various genetic or environmental factors. Recently, therole of microRNAs (miRNAs) in circadian rhythm and ASD have gained attraction. Wehypothesized that the relationship between circadian rhythm and ASD could be explained bymiRNAs that can regulate or be regulated by either or both. In this study, we introduced apossible molecular link between circadian rhythm and ASD. We performed a thorough literaturereview to understand their complexity.