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      해방이후 한시 성쇠양상의 일고찰 = Study of the Rise and Fall of Chinese Poetry(漢詩) since Independence from Japan



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      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      Study of the Rise and Fall of Chinese Poetry (漢詩) since Independence from Japan

      Kim, Young-bung

      Chinese poetry began to be considered the poems of Korea in the later part of the Chosun Dynasty. Three famous poets in particular, who were called "three master poets of Honam(湖南三傑)", led energetic creative activity mainly in Jeonbuk province. Thanks to them writing and reciting Chinese poetry became a cultural entertainment for ordinary people in Jeolla province.
      Zisan(芝山) and his son, Dunam(杜南), who lived in the period under the rule of Japan and after the independence from Japan respectively, left a collection of Chinese poems, concerned with the lives of the common people.
      Dachon(茶村) and Songnam(松南) have written Chinese poetry at Paesongsisa(沛城詩社) in Jeonju. We also know that Chinese poetry is still written across Korea through the Chinese poetry contest held recently in Jeongup city; however, it is not so popular as in the past.
      In the 1900s Chilanyulsi(七言律詩) was established with Maechon(梅泉) as the central figure and in the 1940s (the time of Zisan) Chilonyulsi(七言律詩) was popularized. In the 1980s(the time of Dachon and Songnam) many phenomena appeared; the trial to revive Chilonyulsi(七言律詩), the use of western rhyme and scientific analysis, its adoption as a major subject in colleges, and the establishment of Chinese poetry societies.

      Study of the Rise and Fall of Chinese Poetry (漢詩) since Independence from Japan Kim, Young-bung Chinese poetry began to be considered the poems of Korea in the later part of the Chosun Dynasty. Three famous poets in particular, who were called ...

      Study of the Rise and Fall of Chinese Poetry (漢詩) since Independence from Japan

      Kim, Young-bung

      Chinese poetry began to be considered the poems of Korea in the later part of the Chosun Dynasty. Three famous poets in particular, who were called "three master poets of Honam(湖南三傑)", led energetic creative activity mainly in Jeonbuk province. Thanks to them writing and reciting Chinese poetry became a cultural entertainment for ordinary people in Jeolla province.
      Zisan(芝山) and his son, Dunam(杜南), who lived in the period under the rule of Japan and after the independence from Japan respectively, left a collection of Chinese poems, concerned with the lives of the common people.
      Dachon(茶村) and Songnam(松南) have written Chinese poetry at Paesongsisa(沛城詩社) in Jeonju. We also know that Chinese poetry is still written across Korea through the Chinese poetry contest held recently in Jeongup city; however, it is not so popular as in the past.
      In the 1900s Chilanyulsi(七言律詩) was established with Maechon(梅泉) as the central figure and in the 1940s (the time of Zisan) Chilonyulsi(七言律詩) was popularized. In the 1980s(the time of Dachon and Songnam) many phenomena appeared; the trial to revive Chilonyulsi(七言律詩), the use of western rhyme and scientific analysis, its adoption as a major subject in colleges, and the establishment of Chinese poetry societies.


      참고문헌 (Reference)

      1 김영붕, "황현 시 연구" 전북대학교 교육대학원 2003

      2 윤동재, "한국현대시와 한시의 상관성" 지식산업사 2002

      3 조동일, "한국문학통사 5권" 지식산업사 1994

      4 김정환, "매천시파 연구" 전남대학교 대학원 2006

      5 황수정, "매천 황현의 시문학 연구" 조선대학교 대학원 2006

      6 주승택, "국한문 교체기의 언어생활과 문학활동" 대동한문학회 (구.교남한문학회) (20) : 287-311, 2004

      7 주승택, "개화기 한문학의 변이현상" 서울대학교 국어국문학과 10 : 1985

      8 이규호, "개화기 변체한시연구" 형설출판사 1986

      9 崔昇孝, "黃梅泉關聯人事 文墨萃編(上․下卷)" 대한교과서 1985

      10 閔丙秀, "韓國漢詩史" 太學社 1997

      1 김영붕, "황현 시 연구" 전북대학교 교육대학원 2003

      2 윤동재, "한국현대시와 한시의 상관성" 지식산업사 2002

      3 조동일, "한국문학통사 5권" 지식산업사 1994

      4 김정환, "매천시파 연구" 전남대학교 대학원 2006

      5 황수정, "매천 황현의 시문학 연구" 조선대학교 대학원 2006

      6 주승택, "국한문 교체기의 언어생활과 문학활동" 대동한문학회 (구.교남한문학회) (20) : 287-311, 2004

      7 주승택, "개화기 한문학의 변이현상" 서울대학교 국어국문학과 10 : 1985

      8 이규호, "개화기 변체한시연구" 형설출판사 1986

      9 崔昇孝, "黃梅泉關聯人事 文墨萃編(上․下卷)" 대한교과서 1985

      10 閔丙秀, "韓國漢詩史" 太學社 1997

      11 김영철, "韓國 開化期 詩歌 硏究" 새문사 2004

      12 이병기, "譯註 梅泉黃玹詩集" 보고사 2006

      13 尹永春譯解, "詩經" 韓國書籍公社 1983

      14 구사회, "石亭 李定稷의 詩意識과 文藝論的 特質" 한국언어문학회 (54) : 43-68, 2005

      15 金熙宣, "漢詩의 魅力" (13) : 2004

      16 裵氏宗親會, "漢詩白日場詩集" 裕昌文化史 1995

      17 沛城詩, "沛城社詩稿 第五輯, 六輯" 新亞出版社 1997

      18 李炳基, "梅泉黃玹散文硏究" 보고사 1995

      19 黃玹, "梅泉野錄" 國史編纂委員會 1955

      20 黃玹, "梅泉全集(全五)" 全州大 湖南學硏究所 1984

      21 金台俊, "朝鮮漢文學史" 시인사 1998

      22 李家源, "朝鮮文學史(上),(下)" 태학사 1997

      23 豊山洪氏慕堂公派宗會, "慕堂先生追慕詩集" 荷江書院 1990

      24 李炳基, "完山太平歌" 신아출판사 1992

      25 "吳然鎬文稿"

      26 漱石 金萬榮, "全國 漢詩白日場詩集" 도출판 불이 1998

      27 林南坤편, "井邑文化院 42年史" 井邑文化院 2007

      28 井邑文化院, "4회, 5회, 6회, 7회 漢詩公募展集 4권"


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