Comprehensive survey and study of the Inscription above Qiang people activities, we can draw the following understanding. First, Inscriptions in the ‘Qiang’ is a generic term refers to Western businessmen of aliens. It is a kind of shepherd the...에서 pinyin(병음)방식으로 중국어를 변환할 수 있습니다.
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다운로드다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)
Comprehensive survey and study of the Inscription above Qiang people activities, we can draw the following understanding. First, Inscriptions in the ‘Qiang’ is a generic term refers to Western businessmen of aliens. It is a kind of shepherd the...
Comprehensive survey and study of the Inscription above Qiang people activities, we can draw the following understanding.
First, Inscriptions in the ‘Qiang’ is a generic term refers to Western businessmen of aliens. It is a kind of shepherd their family numbers.
Second, Inscriptions in the ‘Qiangfang(羌方)’ specifically refers to a living area Qiang people, divided into ‘North Qiang(北羌)’ and ‘Ma Qiang(?羌)’ two tribes.
Third, There quotient generation war Qiang frequent and intense, which is the main source of businessman captured prisoners of Qiang.
Fourth, The main purpose is to Qiang is used as a ritual of sacrifice.
Fifth, Some of the prisoners were alive preserved Qiang, Qiang men are businessmen for hunting, expeditions and other labor.
Sixth, After Qiang captured or enslaved, bear Shang rulers inhuman treatment, once fled, escape, prison riots and other forms of struggle against oppression.
목차 (Table of Contents)
참고문헌 (Reference)
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2 成百曉, "詩經集傳" 傳統文化硏究會 2008
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