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      User Perceptions of Uncertainty in the Selection of Information Retrieval System:Implications for System and Service Improvement



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      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      While numerous studies have suggested the significance of uncertainty during the process of information-seeking, less research has investigated user uncertainty in the actual search process using a real system. This study investigated user perceptions...

      While numerous studies have suggested the significance of uncertainty during the process of information-seeking, less research has investigated user uncertainty in the actual search process using a real system. This study investigated user perceptions of uncertainty in the process of the selection of information retrieval system in the real information-seeking process. Considering the role of commercial Web search engines as supplementary tools for traditional bibliographic databases in academic research environments, this study analyzed the selection behavior of scholarly researchers, who use such search tools for their academic study. The researchers were limited to the discipline of science in order to understand user perceptions in this field. The findings revealed various dimensions, types, and incidents of uncertainty. Variations appeared in different incidents of uncertainty relating to the unique characteristics of the subjects’ information-seeking context. The identification of three principal origins of uncertainty based on the different types of uncertainty generated implications to improve information systems and services.


      참고문헌 (Reference)

      1 D. Gerhan, "When quantitative analysis lies behind a reference question" 39 (39): 166-185, 1999

      2 A. Pollock, "What’s wrong with Internet searching" 3 : 1-5, 1996

      3 N. Ford, "Web search strategies and approaches to studying" 54 (54): 473-489, 2003

      4 A. Spink, "Users’ partial relevance judgments during online searching" 21 : 271-279, 1997

      5 P. Wang, "Users’ interaction with World Wide Web resources: An exploratory study using a holistic approach" 36 (36): 229-251, 2000

      6 T. D. Wilson, "Uncertainty in information seeking: A research project in the Department of Information Studies, University of Sheffield, Sheffield"

      7 T. D. Wilson, "Uncertainty in information seeking. Final report to the British Library Research and Innovation Centre/Library and Information Commission on a research project carried out at the Department of Information Studies" 59 : 2008

      8 L. Rodriguez, "Uncertain relevance judgments: A quantitative and qualitative study" 17-25, 2000

      9 C.E. Shannon, "The mathematical theory of communication" University of Illinois Press 1949

      10 N.D. Stevens, "The importance of the verb in the reference questions" 22 : 241-244, 1988

      1 D. Gerhan, "When quantitative analysis lies behind a reference question" 39 (39): 166-185, 1999

      2 A. Pollock, "What’s wrong with Internet searching" 3 : 1-5, 1996

      3 N. Ford, "Web search strategies and approaches to studying" 54 (54): 473-489, 2003

      4 A. Spink, "Users’ partial relevance judgments during online searching" 21 : 271-279, 1997

      5 P. Wang, "Users’ interaction with World Wide Web resources: An exploratory study using a holistic approach" 36 (36): 229-251, 2000

      6 T. D. Wilson, "Uncertainty in information seeking: A research project in the Department of Information Studies, University of Sheffield, Sheffield"

      7 T. D. Wilson, "Uncertainty in information seeking. Final report to the British Library Research and Innovation Centre/Library and Information Commission on a research project carried out at the Department of Information Studies" 59 : 2008

      8 L. Rodriguez, "Uncertain relevance judgments: A quantitative and qualitative study" 17-25, 2000

      9 C.E. Shannon, "The mathematical theory of communication" University of Illinois Press 1949

      10 N.D. Stevens, "The importance of the verb in the reference questions" 22 : 241-244, 1988

      11 M. Bates, "Subject access to online catalogs: A design model" 37 : 357-376, 1986

      12 C. C. Kuhlthau, "Seeking meaning: A process approach to library and information services" Ablex Publishing Corporation 1993

      13 P. Ingwersen, "Search procedures in the library analyzed for the cognitive point of view" 38 (38): 165-191, 1982

      14 M. A. Fitzgerald, "Relevance judging, evaluation, and decision making in virtual libraries: A descriptive study" 52 (52): 989-1010, 2001

      15 B. J. Jansen, "Real life, real users, and real needs: A study and analysis of user queries on the web" 36 (36): 207-227, 2000

      16 S. Taylor, "Questions-negotiation and information seeking in libraries" 29 : 178-194, 1968

      17 A. Spink, "Partial relevance judgments during interactive information retrieval: An exploratory study" 111-122, 1997

      18 P. Wang, "Mining longitudinal Web queries: Trends and Patterns" 54 (54): 743-758, 2003

      19 G. Michell, "Mental models theory: Applications for library and information science" 39 : 275-281, 1998

      20 C.J. van Rijsbergen, "Information, logic, and uncertainty in information science" 1-10, 1996

      21 T. D. Wilson, "Information seeking and mediated searching. Part 2. Uncertainty and its correlates" 53 (53): 704-715, 2002

      22 P. Ingwersen, "Information retrieval interaction" Taylor Graham 1992

      23 S. Artandi, "Information concepts and their utility" 24 : 242-245, 1973

      24 A. Spink, "From highly relevant to not relevant: Examining different regions of relevance" 34 : 599-621, 1998

      25 W. Lucas, "Form and function: The impact of query term and operator usage on Web search results" 53 (53): 95-108, 2002

      26 M. Gordon, "Finding information on the World Wide Web: The retrieval effectiveness of search engines" 35 : 141-180, 1999

      27 P. Ingwersen, "Cognitive perspective of information retrieval interaction: Elements of a cognitive IR theory" 52 (52): 3-50, 1996

      28 A. Strauss, "Basics of qualitative research: Techniques and procedures for developing grounded theory (2nd ed.)" SAGE Publications 1998

      29 A. Strauss, "Basics of qualitative research: Grounded theory procedures and techniques" SAGE Publications 1990

      30 G. K. Rousseau, "Assessing the usability of on-line library systems" 17 : 274-281, 1998

      31 N.J. Belkin, "Anomalous states of knowledge as the basis for information retrieval" 5 : 133-143, 1980

      32 B. Dervin, "An overview of sense making research: Concepts, methods, and results to date" School of Communication 1983

      33 C.C. Kuhlthau, "Accommodating the user’s information search process: Challenges for information retrieval system designers" 12-15, 1999

      34 R. Fidel, "A visit to the information mall: Web searching behavior of high school students" 50 (50): 24-37, 1999

      35 C. C. Kuhlthau, "A principle of uncertainty for information seeking" 49 (49): 339-355, 1993

      36 B. Whittemore, "A generalized conceptual development for the analysis and flow of information" 24 : 221-231, 1973

      37 L. T. Su, "A comprehensive and systematic model of user evaluation of Web search engines: II. An evaluation by undergraduates" 54 (54): 1193-1223, 2003


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